I was able to control my diabetes with my diet and didn't need any insulin, until I turned 30 was a lot heavier and had gestational diabetes. I then needed insulin. I then had another baby 18 months later , still heavy, and needed insulin. After my second child was born, I was told that due to my weight and I was now 32, I had Type 2 diabetes and they had me take metformin and insulin. In 2008, I was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney disease, and in 2013, i was diagnosed with diabetic retinopathy. ( sorry, I don't know how to spell it). I used to get laser treatments for the eye that got affected, but now i can't any longer. I am only able to get treated by injections, or at the last resort surgery. I only found out by eye condition when my my no husband went to the doctor. We are both diabetics and had the same doctor. She mentioned to him that he should get his eyes checked due to his diabetes. I asked if I should go as well. She said " I guess so", even though she knew that I was diagnosed much earlier than he was. In fact no doctor ever told me about the dangers of diabetes, such as damage to my eyes or kidneys. I was aware of amputations, and kidney failure, but my doctors never explained to me anything about complications. I now take insulin . I am doing my best to keep things under control. Right now, my kidney doctor says that my kidney disease is under control and he doesn't see the need for me to receive dialysis or a new kidney in the near future. I do my best to stay positive. God bless.