I thoroughly enjoyed this entry, the pacing was flawless, the tone and humour were buoyant, the villain was unique, and it had plenty of emotional depth and a big heart.
I was warned that it reeked of Shatner’s ego and that ‘Kirk defeats God’ but that was clearly BS because the evil entity was quickly revealed to be a false god.
Sybok was intriguing as a fanatic who had a sociopathic smile as he overpowered everyone, he enjoyed it when people resisted, this made him charming yet menacing, and it was an unexpected twist for him to actually reveal himself to be a good man who was duped and sacrifice himself at the end.
I’ll take this over the dull as dishwater 2001 wannabe Motion Picture any day.
So why is it hated? I’m not a Trekkie and I suspect that tales of Shatner’s ego plus the lighthearted, self-effacing dad humour turned off geeks who think this stuff is War and Peace.
As a casual viewer who is fond of Trek and particularly the OS characters and actors it absolutely exceeded my middling expectations. Cheers to Shatner 🍻
"I thoroughly enjoyed this entry, the pacing was flawless, the tone and humour were buoyant, the villain was unique, and it had plenty of emotional depth and a big heart."
That whole Paradise City scene reeks of awfulness, and the less said about topless Uhura dancing when she's far too old for it, the better.
"I was warned that it reeked of Shatner’s ego and that ‘Kirk defeats God’ but that was clearly BS because the evil entity was quickly revealed to be a false god."
A false god who looks like the Cowardly Lion and speaks almost like Yosemite Sam ("oooh, that rabbit!")
"Sybok was intriguing as a fanatic who had a sociopathic smile as he overpowered everyone, he enjoyed it when people resisted, this made him charming yet menacing, and it was an unexpected twist for him to actually reveal himself to be a good man who was duped and sacrifice himself at the end."
I've never liked fanatics like that, but then I can't stand any religion.
"I’ll take this over the dull as dishwater 2001 wannabe Motion Picture any day."
I'll take The Motion Picture over 2001 anyday, at least there's a fucking plot instead of landscapes, landscapes, landscapes.
"So why is it hated? I’m not a Trekkie and I suspect that tales of Shatner’s ego plus the lighthearted, self-effacing dad humour turned off geeks who think this stuff is War and Peace."
The Voyage Home was lighthearted, and I LOVE it. This one was not the same, it was a step down. I mean, the Enterprise in pieces and Kirk talking to his commanding officer with a shirt that says "go climb a rock" WTAF!?! Not to mention a Klingon who cold-bloodedly murders the Voyager probe (yes, those were real, didn't you know) because it SCREAMS when he shoots it? And is crap in every other way? Or the Enterprise having something like 78 decks? It should have only HALF that! And Spock's jetpack toy?
You can't have seen much Trek if you love this. Give the spin-off TV shows a try, or the 6th movie. Anything other than this crap!
Old Uhura dancing was bordering on cringe but I let it pass because it fit the dad-joke humour.
You’re not supposed to ‘like’ the villain 🤦🏻♂️
Paradise City was low budget, like the rest of the film, but all that was forgiven when Spock neck-pinched a horse. All of it.
I could care less about how many decks the enterprise has - Trek is wholesome junk food at best. The fact that you rank Motion Picture over 2001: A Space Odyssey confirms my suspicion about ‘geeks who think this stuff is War and Peace’
Star Trek is about the human condition, the "starships in space" angle is just window dressing for what is more philosophical stories and debates and ideas. It is not "wholesome junk food at best", it is much more than that.
I suppose you prefer Star Wars, which IS definitely PEWPEWPEW superficial crap. And 2001 is slow, ponderous crap that had a better sequel in 2010.
No, Trek is wholesome junk food at best, sorry to burst your bubble, it occasionally flirts with basic bitch philosophy and it does so in a fun, easy-to-digest way but that’s it.
Star Wars is just a different kind of junk food. Watching you have a geek battle between Wars and Trek in your own head, and try to rope me into it is embarrassing to watch, but not nearly as embarrassing as watching a clearly low IQ, sticky fingered geek dismiss 2001 as ‘slow, ponderous crap’ 🤣
I’ve never seen such a painfully clear case of Dunning-Kruger.
Where to begin. It’s utterly unique - spanning the dawn of man to multidimensional space travel, setting futuristic spacecraft to classical music. The visuals were groundbreaking and remain spectacular to this day, featuring the greatest ever edit in cinema - the bone flying though the air cutting to a spaceship. The sense of mystery and wonder as the monolith ushers man’s journey from beast to... god? The revolutionary portrayal of a terrifying yet strangely sympathetic A.I. character.
That edit you mention: I believe it was a bone used in the first murder transitioning to an orbital weapons platform, which is even more significant, don't you agree?
Don't get me wrong, the film is not "crap" (I take that back), and while the visuals are interesting and ground-breaking (doesn't feel like a 60s movie to me), and classical music is always a bonus, you have to be in the right mood for it, and devote the time to it. And I never liked poor HAL as a villain, and I think 2010 best explained it as him becoming paranoid due to conflicting orders, and I like the way he joins Dave at the end.
We don’t know what the cut-to spacecraft is exactly, it may well be a weapon which would be even more apt.
Fact is 2001 is a groundbreaking classic of cinema and easily a contender for the greatest sci-fi film ever made.
While I conceded that old Uhura dancing was on the cringe end of the dad-humour throughout V, I don’t think she was ‘topless’. I saw it in HD and while she was scantily clad I didn’t see any tits.
"While I conceded that old Uhura dancing was on the cringe end of the dad-humour throughout V, I don’t think she was ‘topless’. I saw it in HD and while she was scantily clad I didn’t see any tits."
Correct, I just used that word to describe her (ahem) "erotic" dance to distract the aliens, I didn't know how else to describe it then. She wasn't topless, but I definitely recall her legs, and the legs of an approximate 57 year old are not going to arouse younger people, more likely the opposite.
... the less said about topless Uhura dancing when she's far too old for it, the better.
It was brutal seeing that at the time. Humiliating for everyone, the actress and the viewers. The worst aspect of this film.
However the amazing thing is that I wouldn't have this experience as any more terrifying than seeing mid 80s Tina Turner. But this was wrong.
Nichelle Nichols was in her mid 50s when she filmed that scene. Tina Turner on the other hand - which I'm sure will shock everyone - was over a decade younger when she shot the equally humiliating "What's Love Got To To With It?" video.
What the fuck are you talking about. Star Trek V is closer to what Star Trek Should be than those shitty JarJar movies or the crappy Krapzman tv shows are.. It might had some silly moments. But it was still asking big question like any good star trek should. It wasn't just shit blowing up in space and fucking Lens Flair. I take uhura doing a fucking Lap Dance if Kirk gets to ask "What dose god want with a Starship? Then soulless garbage that called Star Trek TODAY. Also im pretty sure Uhura wasn't Topless in that Scene.
I'd agree with your overall assessment of this film other than the Motion Picture bashing (which is an amazing film and Star Trek on another level).
This film has real soul - The row your boat stuff and the Bone's father dying scene are as good as anything in the film series. And as you said Sybok is an interesting "villain" if you could even call him that.
Yes it's a shame the budget clearly wasn't there for the final rock scene - however what we did get was better than Shatner's wish for rock monsters which would have been awful. Plus in defence of what we got, TOS fans are more than used to seeing slightly creeky looking sets, so surely we can overlook the deficits here.
The hatred towards this film for me is as inexplicable as the overhyped praise that Star Trek VI seems to get.
I wouldn't sat I *hated* it, but it's definitely one that I don't enjoy nearly as much as some of the others (Voyage Home, Wrath of Khan, First Contact).
I couldn't get into Sybok, as a villain or otherwise. He was too fanatical to be a good guy, and he wasn't...villainous enough to be the bad guy. If I look at Chang or Khan or Kruge, I see a villain I love to hate. But with Sybok, I just feel annoyed.
I think the main issue for me (I can't speak for others) is that it tried to be too many things. It goes deep (confronting one's pain, meeting "God"), but there were too many lighthearted moments for it to be taken seriously (Yosemite, Spock's boots). And don't get me started on Uhura's dancing or Kirk's canonical brother.
There were some good parts to it (Yosemite!), and it did at least have a little action (unlike the Motion Picture), but if I were to rank all the TOS movies, this one would not rank very high.
I guess people just Love JJ Abrams Lens Flares over Shatner trying to exploring the meaning of existence. Or maybe they rather watch Michael Burnham cry for a whole season.