My feelings on some of the negativity
of this film is that John Ritter's Character faces his demon in the end. Alcohol. A Demon that MANY people face whether they admit to it or not.
This movie 'IS' very, VERY funny. And Ritter's performance was spot on. He had to do a wide range of emotions and there are few who could have pulled it off like he did. A very under-appreciated film.
I could not believe one reviewer who said they found 'nothing' funny in this movie. To me, the writing was funny, the physical comedy was funny and the message, although harsh for an ending of a comedy (especially after laughing through the first 90% of the movie) was poignant.
When he showed up at the black tie party as Alladin? Come on,,, not even a smile? Followed by a chuckle?
Tough crowd...