MovieChat Forums > Skin Deep (1989) Discussion > More Crap from Blake Edwards

More Crap from Blake Edwards

Skin Deep comes from the same manure pile as any number of self involved, self conscious, embarrassing, and unfunny Blake Edwards 'comedies.' As with '10' Skin Deep invokes the bartender as a transparent device to tell the story. Look how many times Ritter stumbles into a room or a setting and 'discovers' something: ex's wedding; the dyke aerobics class; the costume ball not a costume ball. It is all very repetitive and a complete bore. None of it is funny or even very interesting: a story about a drunk womanizer, who allegedly is a great writer. Whether Skin Deep, Switch, That's Life (with its racist patronization of blacks-in-the-person-of-the-houseman), SOB, Mickey & Maude, treat these rotten eggs like a case of salmonella poisoning.


While I can agree that some of Edwards' later films aren't that great I thought there were some very funny moments in this. The condom scene. The scene after the electro shocks. Those two scenes are hilarious. I totally disagree on your assessments of SOB and MICKI and MAUDE though. Both are terrific films.


how can you forget the masterpiece 'blind date'


A-f'n-men, original poster. Blake Edwards' crap is absolutely painful to sit through. 10 is only tolerable due to Bo Derek's goddess-like hotness. This is basically the same movie but without Bo right down to the lame piano playing/serenading BS. Ritter's filthy beard takes the cake. And for God's sake, the glow in the dark rubber scene is so overrated. Only in a movie this lame would that scene be considered "genius".


To quote Clarke W. Griswold...

"I think you're all PHAUQED in the head".

Skin Deep is an underrated classic of the '80's. Jack Ritter's comedic timing and physical comedy are impeccable.

If you don't get it, if it's not your kind of movie, fine. But I love it and will continue to recommend it to anyone who asks.


John Ritter...not Jack Ritter


Jack Tripper, not John Ritter.
