MovieChat Forums > Signs of Life (1991) Discussion > A Good Movie That No One Will See

A Good Movie That No One Will See

I found the VHS for rent in 1995 in Michigan. I had lived near a small New England town that is world famous for its wooden boat building (Bristol, RI) and was feeling the need to depart the economic and cultural wasteland that is Michigan. It was a sad movie, but it was real.

I'd see it again, but I think a hen's tooth would be easier to find. Amazing, considering the actors who played in it. Now, if there had been a mass school shooting, cars exploding, and rampant cheap sex, I could probably find a copy.

A man's reach should exceed his grasp.


For a long time, Signs of Life was in limbo, as the distributor went out of business. And as this was prior toDVDs coming into wide use it was really hard to find. However, the rights finally got cleared up and it is now available on netflix. Please spread the word if you liked the film.....


Vincent D'nofrio, my heartthrob. He's so sweet in this film. I just love him.


Watched it today and I really enjoyed it
