Just watched this film...
(Spoilers Below) It's been a while since a film has had such a profound effect on me. One in which has left me unable to articulate my exact feelings in which to describe the impact this film has made in my psyche. Maybe that's the point. How do you explain what happens in this film? Perhaps this is why there aren't many conversations on this board. (That and this film wasn't available until recently!) I would love to discuss this with someone else who has just watched it. I don't even know where to begin though!
I have read a lot of warnings that people shouldn't view this film if they are suicidal or depressed. But I don't know. Sometimes I have my dark moments and this film made me NEVER EVER want to kill myself. So maybe it is a good film for someone who has thoughts of suicide because maybe it would change their minds. I could be wrong though.
I didn't know much about the film before I rented it because I didn't want to spoil it for myself, but being a Haneke fan I knew something bad was ahead. Although I don't think that you need to be a fan to feel the horror that lie ahead while watching. So I prepared myself for the worst. I kept imagining this grotesque scene where the father chops up his family. Once I figured out what was about to take place, I imagined this horrific scene where the mother smothers the daughter in her sleep, the father blows the mother's head off and shoots himself. Every disturbing image my mind could come up could not prepare me for the final moments of the film. I never felt so compelled to stop a character's actions before. As soon as the daughter went though, I was rooting for them to get through with it and then feared that they would be discovered before they finished the job. Haneke knows what real horror is. Those sounds. Oh the horror! And those last images. So haunting. Why is this film so real?
Cousin Cheryl, I don't think the family REALLY knows you.