favorite lines in the movie

whats everybody favorite lines in the movie. here are mine

Capt. Braddock: alright no more bullsh*t, was there or wasn't there a woman? (talking to fast).
Dave: Are you serious?
Capt. Braddock: yes I'm goshdarn serious!
Dave: Fuzzy Wuzzy was a woman?

Dave: I tell you how I really feel, in a mintue or two, right now I'm a little overwhelmed by the STINK of the seven thousand tons of garbage you drove us into!
Wally: Is that what it is? I thought you let one go. thats why I didn't say anything.
Dave: That was kind of you. thank you.

Wally: (yelling into Dave's ear) SHAZAAM, CAN YOU HEAR ME?
Dave: Ohhh, Wally I heard something. Wally I heard your voice.
Wally: Dave you can hear me!
Dave: What?
Wally: I said you can hear me!

Dave: Mensria, OH, OH, MY GOD, NOOO!

Wally: So how does it feel to be handicapped? I've always wanted to ask you that.
Dave: I'm not Handicapped, I have you.

I know "goshdarn" isn't what Capt. Braddock says but I don't like saying the real word he says.


Eve Mr Cruew what would you like
Wally I suppose a *beep* is out of the question
Eve I'm afraid so

Eve Hands over your head Mr Lyons Remember Turn around
Dave Carefull you rememeber what happened last time

Dan-os favorites


Wally: What time is it.
Linas: 12:00
Bad Guy: No it's not 12:00


by far, my favorite line is...."ooohhh.. i think I heard my mating call" when wally says it to the big guy that he fights in the bar.

Also, "what are we, caught in a timewarp here? The twighlight zone? any martians wanna speak to dave out there? ooowooowoowoo. Your a funny guy!"
When he says, "your a funny guy", for some reason the way he says it cracks me up. Sorry if these parts are lame to you, but I always find the things a lot of people don't think are funny and crack up at them. I love those two parts.

It's amazing how Richard Pryor managed to look really blind that entire movie.
Ahhh, I love that movie.


wally: What because i'm blind, stick the job up ur ass pal, i aint doing no favours for no deaf ass ****
Dave:then go away, give me some peace of mind, to hell with blind people
Wally: i believe we agreed on 300
"this line always cracks me up its the way its said"

Newsreporter: Sir how do u feel about komedi being released?
Dave: only if its funny, a good komedi, as u say is worth its weight in gold

Dave:(talking to a nearby driver, after the driver gives a rude sign) u are a dumb idiot
Wally: u talking 2 me
Wally's sister: wally dont start nothing
Wally: the mans got something 2 say let him say it
Dave:(still talking to the driver)up yours
Wally: oh i've heard that song be 4 pal, now listen dickhead, u got anything else to say, just one more word, one *beep* word


Psychofriendly, Good quotes. You got my kind of humor, well the first and last quote you said. To be honest, I don't really remember the second one. DId you think the ones I put were funny at all?


its just wen there escaping jail and they join that protest just so they can get out, as for ur quotes - hell yes, i would of put them down if no 1 else had, i mean richard pryor is a funny guy and u put him with gene wilder - classic!!
oh heres a few more i forgot

Dave:why dont u look me in the eye and tell me
wally: i would if i could but i cant, i'm blind!!
dave: your blind
wally:yes i'm blind
dave: i'm sorry i had no idea(starts doing wat any normal person would du in front of a blind person lol - waves his hands around)
wally:well now u no, can i have the job
dave: u really blind
wally: YES i'm really blind what r u f ucking deaf
dave:YES i'm f ucking deaf!!
wally: your deaf
dave:yes i'm deaf
wally:your really deaf
dave: yes i'm really deaf
wally: how du u no wat i'm saying
dave:cause i'm reading ur lips, now du u want the job or not
wally:cause i'm blind, u can stick the job up ur ass

u no the rest from my last message lol


"hold on, wait a minute, stop the music" -wally to dave when they first meet

when he says "tonight we celebrate" and the next scene you see a dart go way off, nowhere near the dartboard.

I usually don't laugh at sexual parts in movies, but I thought it was hilarious when they are eating ice cream and they both get done talking about themselves being blind and deaf, and right after Dave finishes, Wally completely changes the subject and says..."whens the last time you were(puts the ice cream cone to his mouth so his voice is muffled) laid?" Just how he says it cracks me up. I'm actually watching it right now.


yeah that cracks me up 2, richard pryor is hilarious, wat about the
bit, i dont remember the words much but its wen dave is stomping his feet, and he goes
Dave: i look ridiculous
Wally: u look fine 2 me
do u have the dvd of it or vhs


Vhs as of now. Ive been watching it on OnDemand recently. Trust me, I plan to buy it on DVD. What about you?


i just recently bought it on dvd, for £5.99 from where i work, but i had it on vhs b4 that, its one of favourite comedy films of all time well actually my second( my 1st one being dumb and dumber), where u from anyway( if u dont me from asking) i live in england (a place called studley)


Cleveland, Ohio. Damn, I wish I could be in England. I'd love to see all the castles. I'm so sick of it here. Read my profile for my favorite Dumb and Dumber lines. Tell me what you think of them.


i carnt wait till the unrated cut of dumb and dumber comes out - jan 3rd 06, r u gunna get a copy of that - i've preordered mine - www.playusa.com

wat did u think of the prequel/sequel dumb and dumberer


Dave and Wally steal the police car
Wally looks over at Dave: How am I doing?
Dave: Keep your eyes on the road
Wally: Oh, if it will make you feel better.

Wally and Dave are floating away in the barge
Wally: That was sweet. Did you really mean everything you said?
Dave: I'll tell you how I feel in just a second. Right now I have to get over the overwhelming stench (starts to raise his voice) of the 7 tons of garbage you drove me into.
Wally: Is that what that is? I thought you let one go, that's why I didn't say anything.

Wally and Dave are explaining to Wally's sister what's going on.
Wally: So we need to find this Grace George Lady.
Sister: You mean Great Gorge?
Wally: No Grace George that's the name of the lady there supposed to meet.
Sister: Great Gorge is a big resort, I think Dave heard wrong.
Dave: What did she say?
Wally: She said your an a**hole.

One of the greatest comedies of all time.


Psycho, sorry it took me so long. Yeah I'm definately getting the special edition Dumb and Dumber the day it comes out. As for Dumb and Dumberer, I wasnt a big fan, in fact, i kinda hated it. The kid that plays Jim Carrey was pretty good though. What did you think about it?


the kid that played lloyd kinda looked liked jim carrey actually, but yeah i wasent over keen on it either, the 1st one rocks and i carnt wait for the unrated cut, i wonder wat the extra footage could be


I hope it has deleted scenes that are actually funny. What other movies do you think are funny?


i give u my top ten comedy movies - 10 being my favouritists

1. Police academy 1 - 4 - the others sucked
2. Naked gun movies
3. Weekend at Bernie's
4. Bad santa/Badder santa - this film 4 some reason cracked me up, wen i saw it
at the cinema

5. Anchorman/Anchorman the story continues - i have the 2 versions and think will ferrel is just hilarious
6. Another you (richard pryor/gene wilder)
7. Who's Harry Crumb - i think john candy is one of the funniest actors ever
8. Uncle Buck
9. See no evil, hear no evil
10.Dumb and dumber

i have loads more, but i would be filling up the whole message board
du u have any other movies u think r funny



sorry it took so long, i've been workin my ass off lately.

1. Anchorman(both)
2. Dumb and Dumber
3. Me Myself and Irene
4. Tommy Boy
5. Black Sheep
6. Billy Madison
7. Happy Gilmore
8. Tv series Arrested Development
9. Bad Santa
10. Ace Ventura

There's a lot more but that's all i can think of now. I'll send more later. What other movies, not comedy, do you like?


no worrys mate i no the feeling

i couldnt help noticing tommy boy - i just got the holy schnikes dvd of that - classic film, i hope they do the same with black sheep

other films i like(not comedy)

1.Halloween series(apart from no. 3)
2.friday the 13th series
3.nightmare on elm street series
4.Child's play series
5.Eraser - i have the uncut region 1 version - big improvement on our dvd version over here lol
6.Batman 1 - 3
7.Superman 1 - 4 - richard pryors in the 3rd one
8.Terminator 1 -2

i have a few more but i send them later with more comedies 2 lol
wats ur favs



I guess a lot has been said about this GREAT movie!

I would like to say that i enjoyed it for sure! Such a pity that Pryor has passed away.

Right, I think one funny bit was when all of the specialist doctors were nodding their heads and then when its Richards turn, he says ' hello' in his characteristic manner, thought that was quite hilarious.

'I wanna kill em!'



Everyone left out the best line...the one I use constantly.

Braddock, said slowly to Dave: Was....there....a.....woman....present?
Dave: Yes.....there....was.....a.....woman
Braddock: Why's he talking like that?
Wally: Cause....he's.....deaf.....not.....stupid


Yeah, that was quite comical and typical of rich, Amanda.

Also, notice the cheeky grin on genes face! LOL!

'Well, i suppose a **** is out of the question'



One of My Favorite lines has got to be when wally is being asked a question as the doctor and he answers...

Some of my patients prefer walking... some prefer bicycling. But for your best results... to guarantee satisfaction... most of them like *beep*

You know, poonta-poonta-poonta.

I like it myself.


My favorite line is without a doubt when the bad girl asks Wally what he wants and he replies "Well I guess a *beep* outta the question."


When they are driving and gene wilder is giving direction.




wally: is that the smell i thought it was you let one rip thats why i never sed nothin
dave:well thank you....


"i'd rather die a soldier than live my life as a coward" - 2pac


Bear with me because it's been a while since I've seen the movie and I may gewt some of this wrong, but one of my fav scenes is where Wally and his sister are on the train and Wally is pretending to read the paper but it's upside down....

Sister: why do you feel like you have to pass for someone with 20/20 vision when you're as blind as a bat?
Wally: I don't feel like I have to pass for anything...
Sister: Yes you do, it's a sickness just like if you were trying to pass for white.
Wally: *standing up and shouting* you mean I'm not white? what do you mean I'm not white?
*People on the train start to stare at him, and his sister is trying to get him to sit down*
Wally: *feeling his face* I'm not white? it feels like it... OMG sis you're right! you know a lot of changes have to be made, does dad know? *moaning* I'm not white!
Sister: *holding her hands to her face in embarassment* Oh Lord!



Dave- "You're driving on the sidewalk!"

Dave- "You must be Harvey Walbangers. Wallys told me alot about you."

Capt. Braddock- "But I wanna shoot um. I wanna shoot um."

Capt. Braddock- "Boy, 32 years on the force, a wife and three kids and a blind guy and a deaf guy are making me look like a real *beep*
Gatlin- "You got that right."
Capt. Braddock- "Wha!?"
Gatlin- "10-4"

Dave- "Tell me the first thing that pops in to your head!"
Wally- "Pussy!"

Eve- "Any last requests, Mr. Karue?"
Wally- "I suppose a *beep* is out of the question."
Eve- "I'm afraid so."

Wally- "So you're the fat *beep* that runs the show."

Dave- "Who are you talking to!?"

Adele- "I think Dave got things a little mixed up."
Dave- "What did she say?"
Wally- "She said she thinks you're an *beep*

Dave- "Today I threatened to shoot a naked woman with my irrection."

Dave- "You swear an awful lot!"
Wally- "You're *beep* A right!"

Class of '76 Rules! USA
ELO, Ford Pintos & All in the Family


Mensria? how can that be? we both use condoms...



Wally: [Fighting on the floor] We should hang out like this more often
Dave: [Also grappling on the floor] Yes. It's nice to unwind after work.
[Dave reading label for antacid while man is arguing with Eve behind him]
Dave: Di-Gel contains calcium carbonate, an effective antacid...

[Eve shoots man, who slumps to floor while Dave carries on reading]
Dave: Bubbles of gas, trapped in the stomach can cause heartburn, acid indigestion and that full, bloated feeling...
[Wally and Dave at a hotel reception desk posing as European doctors]
Receptionist: I saved you a suite with two queens
Dave: Well get them fellas out of there! We wanna get some sleep!
Dave: Come Doctor, we gotta get some sleep now - make some Zees!
[Wally still posing as Dr Johannson and feigning illness on stage]
Dave: [Enters] DON'T TOUCH THAT HEAD! Whatever you do, don't touch it!
Dave: ...This is called 'Blindness Hystericus'...The left brain and the right brain are havin a little fight with each other. You have to distract them just for a minute...How many fingers am I holding up in front of your face right now? [Holds up no fingers to Wally]
Wally: THREE!
Dave: Good. That's pretty good, considering that he's blind... Now Doctor, I want you to just relax, take it easy, and you tell me the first thing that pops into your brain?
Wally: PUSSY!
Dave: It's amazing! This man is cured...


HOTEL RECEPTIONIST: We could only get you a room with a couple of Queens.




Adele: Why do you feel you have to pass for someone with 20/20 vision when you’re blind as a bat?
Wally: I don’t feel I have to pass.
Adele: Yes, you do. It’s a sickness in your brain, just like if you were trying to pass for white.
Wally: (Wally stands up) You mean I’m not white.
Adele: Oh sit down.
Wally: This is a scandal! What do you mean I’m not white? Why didn’t you tell me this before? You’re my own sister.
Adele: Come on Wally.
Wally: Goodness gracious! Do you know a lot of adjustments have to be made? I have to cancel the swimming lessons. What are the guys at the club gonna say? I’m not white! Oh it feels like it. Argh!!! Goodness gracious sis, you’re right!
Adele: Lord help me.
Wally: Does dad know?

Dave: Who you talking to?
Wally: I’m talking to you, you prick. What do you say?
Dave: Why don’t you look me in the eye and say that?
Wally: I would if I could, but I can’t, I’m blind.
Dave: You’re blind?
Wally: Yes I’m blind now can I have the job?
Dave: I had no idea. I’m sorry. (Dave waves his hands in front of Wally)
Wally: Now you know. Can I get the job?
Dave: You really blind?
Wally: Yes I’m really blind man, what are you f*ucking deaf?
Dave: Yes! I’m f*ucking deaf!
Wally: Deaf?
Dave: Yes, I’m deaf.
Wally: You really deaf?
Dave: I’m really deaf.
Wally: How do you know what I’m saying?
Dave: Because I’m reading your lips. Now do you want the job or don’t you?
Wally: Because I’m blind? Hey shove it up your ass, pal! I don’t want no favours from no deaf ass*hole!
Dave: Then go home! Get out of here! Give me some peace of mind. To hell with blind people! Just turn around and walk out!
Wally: That’s better. Now, I believe we agreed on 300.
Dave: 300 what? What are we talking about?
Wally: Just a minute, hold everything stop the music. Do you like Harvey Wallbangers?
Dave: Harvey who?
Wally: Wallbangers, a friend of mine. I’ll introduce you to him later. Cause tonight my friend we celebrate!



This might sounds strange but the funniest line I always found in this movie was the scene when Wally gets out of the car and his sister yells after him, "remember Wally...wait for the beeps!" I don't know why but everytime this scene comes on I start laughing my butt off.


Yeah I have to agree with you that those are some great lines that made me smile and laugh reading them because I can visually remember seeing this all happen! LOL

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show! www.deefilmroll.com/usa-uan/


Dave:(talking to a nearby driver, after the driver gives a rude sign) u are a dumb idiot
Wally: u talking 2 me
Wally's sister: wally dont start nothing
Wally: the mans got something 2 say let him say it
Dave:(still talking to the driver)up yours
Wally: oh i've heard that song be 4 pal, now listen dickhead, u got anything else to say, just one more word, one *beep* word

"Ni**a why you still got grits? Aint nobody cookin you breakfast."


Yeah that was hilarious to watch and see. LOL

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show! www.deefilmroll.com/usa-uan/


"I can't believe we're here because you owed (the bookie) money."

"I happened to think the Knicks were going to beat Boston, and they came DAMN close!"


LOL That is a very good line in the movie.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show! www.deefilmroll.com/usa-uan/


Dave: Don't look at me, look at the road!
Wally: If that'll make you feel better!


That is hilarious to watch and cracked me up! I have it on my list of movies to watch on Netflix.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show! www.deefilmroll.com/usa-uan/


Sister: why do you feel like you have to pass for someone with 20/20 vision when you're as blind as a bat?
Wally: I don't feel like I have to pass for anything
Sister: Yes you do, it's a sickness just like if you were trying to pass for white.
Wally: you mean I'm not white? what do you mean I'm not white?
Wally: I'm not white? it feels like it... OMG sis you're right! you know a lot of changes have to be made, does dad know? *moaning* I'm not white!
Sister: Oh Lord!

reporter: now that youre released how do you feel
Wilder: great
Reporter: do you really think you can stop Khomeini?
Pryor:its funny a great comedy, as you call it is worth it s weight in gold
(later) Reporter:As you can see this remains a complicated issue

And then, one day...
...she turned into this amazing creature
who could sit on a broomstick...
...and take off into the air.

She could actually achieve flight.
I think I was married to that lady once.
Small world.

-All right, Mr. Lyons,
-I need a nice full face shot first.
-Then we'll get our side shots later.
-You ready?
-We're here because you owed that sleazeball $ ?
-Face forward, please.
-I thought the Knicks would beat Boston,and they came damn close.
-Tell your friend to face the front, please.
Face front.
-What do you need a bookie for?
-Face front, please.
-No one else would give me credit.
-Face front.
-Will you tell him to hold still, please?
Hold still.
What's he doing?
Holding still.
Not looking at you, looking at me!
Face the camera.
Perfect. Tell him not to move.
-Don't move.
I'm getting fed up with her.
Why is he doing this to me?
I just want him to face the camera!
-He's not facing the camera?
It's news to me.
-Face the camera.
That's better. Hold it.
-She should make up her mind.
-Is she saying sh8t or ship?
Why would she say "ship"?
-It wouldn't make any sense.
-Get him out of here. I want him out, now!
You're finished.
I'll get you when you're sleeping.


LOL Those are some great lines in the movie! I have not seen this film in ages!

USA UP ALL NIGHT petition! www.petitiononline.com/moviefan/petition.html
