funniest scene

When Kevin Spacey and the hot gorgeous woman are with Wilder and Pryor. When the woman searches for the coin in Pryor's pants pocket and Pryor tells the woman "I don't know what your looking for, but it's a little to the right". That scene had me in tears. I think this movie and Silver Streak were the best films that Pryor and Wilder films that they had starred in. Stir Crazy was good too.


Something about the way Richard Pryor trips over the bookie's body. It gets me every time. And the part when Richard Pryor has had it with Wilder's deafness and screams in his ear and Wilder pretends to hear him.


My favorite scene was the mugshot sequence. It had a very classic Abbott & Costello timbre to it.


"I'm getting fed up with her."

I love that scene the best as well.

"Mr. Treehorn treats objects like women, man."


For me, it had to be the mug-shot scene. I loved the exasperation the poor policewoman felt after she had tied for several minutes just to get a front picture of Gene Wilder. S _ _ T!!!!!!



"Does Dad know?!"




I love when Wilder pretends to have a gun on Severance and when he takes his hand out of his pocket his erection is still pointing at her. Hilarious


"fuzzy wuzzy was a woman?"


There's a scene when Wilder is "guiding" Pryor after the break-out of the jail, where he's about to go up some steps, and Wilder yells "steps!" and Pryir starts high stepping, even though he's not close yet. Very subtle, but a tribute to Pryor's acting.

It could have been at the resort, too... not sure where it was.


When they were on the street and Wilder was walking ahead of Pryor and stomping so he could hear him. That made me laugh the most.
