What would you rather be deaf or blind?
Peace \\//
hard to say really, music is a brilliant thing. BEing able to not hear would be extremely wierd.
But being able to see, is another thing that i would not be able to life without(well I dont mean literally).
Are we talking about if lets say you are born like deaf or blind, or if you are born with the ability to see or hear and you lose it somehow?
I'm overworked, underpaid, underloved and overlaid.
I had a temporary, almost complete hearing loss, and I can tell you that I would definitely rather live being deaf than losing my sight. I can say that with complete certainty since I have experienced deafness. My hearing has improved, but it is still not at 100%.
shareDeaf easily, because I could still be independent.
You could still drive, shop and do stuff for yourself.
You could read lips to talk to people.
Turn the captions on to watch TV.
YOu could still go for a drive or to the gym or for a walk whenever you felt like it.
Deaf, but only because I know what things sound like. Being Blind would mean no Movie watching & that would be the worst thing for me. So of course I'll go blind.
Deaf. Too much of my happiness would depend on sight - being able to see the person I love (I'd care more about seeing them than hearing them), watching movies (with subtitles of course), reading books (you could get books on tape, though I'd prefer to read them instead of listen to them), and generally just being able to get around easier.
"There's no point living if you can't feel alive."
Deaf. It would be easier to deal with, as of all the major senses, the ability to see is the most precious gift. Being deaf, it would be a lot easier to:
Watch television
See the one you love
Take walks
Watch movies
Watch sports
See the splendor of the outdoors
Do things unassisted, independence
Enjoy & view a computer
Work - employment
Enjoy eating
It would be quite difficult to enjoy the above listed items if I were blind. Deaf, I'd rather be deaf.
Larry Appleton: "I have..."
Balki Bartokomous: "Oh, God!"
Larry Appleton: "...a plan!"
Deaf for sure. You can still get around if you are deaf, but blindness your screwed.
I'd probably only choose blindness over deafness if I were in a temporary state, such as when I am at school or church (since I am sitting down) and all I need to do is hear.
So in short, I would prefer deafness
Interesting question. Deaf for sure b/c as one of the other above posters said, too much of my happiness depends on sight also. Music is great, but I'd rather watch my children grow up, scrapbooking & photography, playing on the computer, watching movies, sight-seeing & traveling, and taking in the beauty of nature.
"Are you going to your grave with unlived lives in your veins?" ~ The Good Girl
In my opinion... Deaf!
Prostitute: What the *beep* are you doing?
Johnny: I'm gonna kill a bunch of people.
Deaf for the reasons mentioned by others, but also because science is more likely to find a way to cure loss of hearing than create artificial eyes.
shareI'd prefer being deaf over blind. You can function better deaf than blind. The only downsides about being deaf is not being able to listen to music or talk to my best friend (we only communicate through phone calls) or any verbal communication. Best part is you don't have to put up with people talking trash to you.