Inside joke?

Ellen Barkin's character is named Helen.
Al Pacino's character is named Frank Keller.
If Barkin marries Pacino she becomes Helen Keller?

Richard Price has one sick sense of humor. Kudos.





yes nice

Trusting another soul with my fate,showed me how easily love could turn to pure hate.



I like the scene where she first tells Frank her name and is pretty much winking at him as if she was thinking the same thing. Franks reaction was great with the awkward silence finally saying in disbelief .....Helen. That's good stuff right there.

Plenty of great lines in this movie thanks to Richard Price.

"Think you could go for a babe with a dick?"

"Depends on her personality, really."


Yeah, I noticed this as well when I watched it again earlier. I honestly think it was a coincidence.

A man is basically as faithful as his options


I don't believe it was intentional (or even noticed by the movie-makers, necessarily). First of all, I don't think any woman, when meeting a man for the first time, immediately thinks, "So, if I marry him my name will be . . . " Helen doesn't seem all that marriage-obsessed.

More importantly, remember that at this point Helen thinks Frank's last name is Kellogg, which we know from seeing the note on her refrigerator later.

I think her little ironic smile in that scene is due to the fact that they both pretty much know they're going to end up in bed together that night, and he doesn't even know her name.


Another 'coincidence' :

EB to AP after their first night together: "I thought you were an insomniac ..."

I almost forgot which movie I was watching for a split second there - but theres no mistaking Ellen Barkin
for Robin Williams.


If you've transferred from imdb to mc, yes, I thought of Insomnia at the point too !


I thought an inside joke was when Al's boss is telling him about how he's got to wear a wire on the 'dates', they'll be backup in the restaurant, surveillance outside etc, and he says "what's she gonna do, shoot me?! We're in a restaurant"
Surely a Godfather reference!
