Why Rated so low?

Ok, was this morning thinking of this and got me a little confused.

The Police Academy movies get slated on IMDB, for a long time, 4,5,6 and 7 were all part of the bottom 100 movies.

This is confusing, the movies are not epic everyone knows that, the first two were clearly aimed at the older teenage market (15-20 like American Pie is now) but from 4 onwards are more so aimed at the younger teenage market (12-15)

Teenagers are the largest demograph of people that view IMDB.

You can assume this from the general type of message comments and from the daily polls which have a vote of the best film from a list and every time it is the most recent film that comes out top, but the better films from older years don't get hardly any votes.

So anyway back onto the question, this film in particular came out when I was 9 at school (so do the math) and everyone in my school loved it and quoted lines from it. Same goes with the previous 5 films.

Seven was an abomination though which when it came out in 94 everyone was in agreement the first six were great fun, but 7 terrible.

So therefore why do these get terrible scores? If people have not saw it they would not vote for it.

And those that view an older comedy film would know the type of film it is beforehand so choose not view it.

Could I ask what are the ages of the low voters of these series of films, and what they did not like about it. And do they like films like Hot Shots, Loaded Weapon, Naked Gun and Stripes which are similar.

And another question, do people that dislike any of the films like any of the Police Academy movies?


the voters are dumb kids that base their opinions on the year it came out or whatever gets them to fit in with their friends.




yeah? no mahoney & also they didn't show callahans boobs enuff, plus give her more to do as well.


Me I think the best of the sequels was this one

the ("My God you're a robot.") scene was absolutely golden

Ox: Knock, knock!
Sergeant Moses Hightower: Who's there?
Ox: Buu!
Sergeant Moses Hightower: Buu, who?
Ox: Quit crying! This will be over in a moment!
[Hightower lets go of Ox]
Sergeant Moses Hightower: Fighting is one thing, but bad jokes is where I draw the line!
[Hightower hits Ox and knocks him out]



I think most people generally feel that the sequels got worse with each one and that is perfectly reflected in the ratings which decrease per film. However, I think the ratings are improperly affected by that viewpoint and people are giving lower ratings to the later sequels as they go on just by assumption or "memory" that they each got worse and people thinking they saw more of them that they thought and remember the sequels being bad in general. While the quality obviously goes down throughout the series, I don't think there's a straight order drop at all, and it seems a little convenient that the ratings don't reflect any of the sequels being better than one of the previous ones, which seems to support my thinking.

I can use myself as an example. When I was a kid my family made it a bit of a thing to watch the Police Academy movies when they were on TV since we enjoyed them, and I thought I'd seen most of them or perhaps even all of them this way, but in watching them again now as an adult I honestly don't remember anything from most of the sequels. Other than the first, only PA3 and parts of PA2 and the last ~10 mins of PA6 were familiar to me. Watching 4, 5, 7 and most of 2 and 6 were entirely new experiences for me. Not sure if I just forgot them cause I was young and didn't see the sequels enough or if the worst sequels just didn't air often since they were so bad, but probably the latter. Cause I feel like I saw 3 quite a bit, which imo is the best sequel, and 1 a ton.

So I think lots of people might sort of group them all into one, thinking they've seen them and go with the assumption that they got worse by each one, although imo the order is a bit jumbled. Here's how I'd rank them:



6 was pretty awful. 5 was actually a pretty funny installment without Mahoney. I don't understand how anyone can like 6 over 5. to me, their quality is in exact order of how they were released

If you think Tony Soprano died, you're overanalyzing the ending and creating your own script.


I'm just wondering which is number 7 in the series? 'Mission To Moscow' perhaps. Only I can't see that 1994 film numbered. But I think that the series should have finished long before then. I've rated No. six 4/10 only.


its at 4.5 now.
