Why Rated so low?
Ok, was this morning thinking of this and got me a little confused.
The Police Academy movies get slated on IMDB, for a long time, 4,5,6 and 7 were all part of the bottom 100 movies.
This is confusing, the movies are not epic everyone knows that, the first two were clearly aimed at the older teenage market (15-20 like American Pie is now) but from 4 onwards are more so aimed at the younger teenage market (12-15)
Teenagers are the largest demograph of people that view IMDB.
You can assume this from the general type of message comments and from the daily polls which have a vote of the best film from a list and every time it is the most recent film that comes out top, but the better films from older years don't get hardly any votes.
So anyway back onto the question, this film in particular came out when I was 9 at school (so do the math) and everyone in my school loved it and quoted lines from it. Same goes with the previous 5 films.
Seven was an abomination though which when it came out in 94 everyone was in agreement the first six were great fun, but 7 terrible.
So therefore why do these get terrible scores? If people have not saw it they would not vote for it.
And those that view an older comedy film would know the type of film it is beforehand so choose not view it.
Could I ask what are the ages of the low voters of these series of films, and what they did not like about it. And do they like films like Hot Shots, Loaded Weapon, Naked Gun and Stripes which are similar.
And another question, do people that dislike any of the films like any of the Police Academy movies?