The closest to the book?
Okay why does the review I just read here say this version kept the closest to the book? Last I checked it kept the farthest away from the book and it is in Nightmare on Elm Street style...Why?! I even took notes on the movie or at least what I could watch without getting furious.
Phantom of the Opera...
1.New York City? I thought the book took place in Paris from the start.
2.Boiler Room near the opening...Freddy's Lair anybody?
3.Blood leeks through paper...In Nightmare on Elm Street Fashion.
4.His face looks a hell of alot like Freddy not to mention now he's acting up like Ed Gein.
6.Joseph Bouquet is killed by cut...No Lasso?
7.Phantom is wereing Freddy hat.
8.Joseph Bouquet is skinned? That never happened in the book.
9.Why is the Phantom acting like a Pimp?
See what I mean? Yup as far as I know the 1925 version with Lon Chaney was the best and closest movie to the book...But that's my Opinion.