I was wondering if the movie is really THAT gory and bloody, or if it's just all talk. I'm a diehard Phantom phan, so I really want to see this movie, but I scare easily. I just rented it yestrerday, but I'm kinda scared to watch it. Could someone tell me how bloody the scenes are and when the gory scenes are? Thanks so much!
It's fairly gory -- as far as "Phantom" films go, this one is definitely a slasher flick. Instead of simply hiding his face behind a mask, the Phantom skins his murder victims and sews on their flesh. You see him kill a few people this way throughout the film, and there are a number of "creative" death scenes as well:
1) A trio of would-be thieves end up in pieces, and eventually skinned.
2) A man is killed in a sauna, brutally suffocated with a towel before getting his skull crushed against a wall (sounds a bit silly, but it is actually one of the more violent (and best) death scenes in the film.
3) Towards the mid-end of the film, a woman's decapitated head is found floating in a bowl of soup.
Again, it *is* a bloody film, and if you're squeamish, it may not be a good idea to watch this alone.
The head part could be two scenes. There are two decapitations in this film, one The Phantom cuts off the second thieve's head, and throws it at Mott. And the second decapitation is when Carlotta's head is discovered in a bowl of soup at the Masked Ball scene.
How can anyone not remember the sauna part? That's the best scene in the film I think, this is when Harrison the Opera Critic gives Christine a poor review in the morning paper. The Phantom meets Harrison in the sauna and they discuss Christine's performance. After Harrison disagrees and says that he would pretty much care less on seeing Christine perform again, the Phantom takes the towel is wearing over his head and suffocates Harrison brutally and then throws his head into the side of the sauna wall.
It is not that bad some of it is gorey, but it is done in sort of an over the top way so it never seems realistic or that disturbing. You can also see alot of it coming so you can always close your eyes at those parts.
This movie sucks, because it is a twist to the story. It's too gory, and it's unnecessarily violent. The Phantom is supposed to be a disturbed, lonely, and confused individual who has suffered through a lifetime of solitude and isolation, which eventually leads him to insanity. This movie just portrays a cold blooded killer that you feel no sympathy for. Wrong.