
Can anyone tell me the song Christine was singing in Faust in both the language it was in (French, I think but I'm not sure) and in English? That would be absolutely wonderful!!

"It's Saturday... I need this like I need a hole in my head- another hole!"


Nevermind. I found the words. It's called The Jewel Song and Charlotte Church remade it kinda. Look up the lyrics if ur curious too.

"It's Saturday... I need this like I need a hole in my head- another hole!"


-Nods- This song is very famous among Phantom movies, since it was used in the original Leroux novel. (The great chandilier, Carlotta scene)

I have the score to the song, and though I don't personally like the song in this movie. (Nothing against the song, it is the girl who plays Christine)
She doesn't sing it right....not enough feeling.


Yeah, in the book Christine was called "The New Margurite"

I also agree with you, I think Christine in this movie could've done better.

"It's Saturday... I need this like I need a hole in my head- another hole!"
