MovieChat Forums > The Phantom of the Opera (1989) Discussion > THIS IS NOT BASED ON THE BOOK!!!


I have been reading all kinds of posts how this movie is based on Gaston Leroux's book. Well...IT ISNT! This movie is merely a slasher film trying to cover the stench of blood behind the cover of a classic novel.If you read to book then watch the movie, you will see this. It is also not a version of the ALW musical, so there is no comparison.The Phantom of the Opera was not a cold blooded killer who roamed the streets looking for victims so he could skin then and SEW THEIR FLESH INTO HIS FACE.
Please, I encourage all to read this novel, then watch the movie.


The movie is only loosely based on the book and follows the same basic plot that all the films do. However, I read the book and if memory serves me correctly this is the only movie to show the scene in the graveyard when the phantom is playing the violin.


Yes. There is, however a stage production by (I think) David Hill that also shows this scene.
Have you accepted Alan Rickman as your personal Saviour?
