Dance Macabre

Has anyone seen "Dance Macabre", with Robert Englund, which is some kind of a sequel to The Phantom of the Opera? Is it worth the 10 bucks it's gonna cost me if I order it on the net?


Maybe try renting it on netflix before considering a purchase however $10 is rather cheap for a DVD but with sequels, you can't expect much.


I asked Robert Englund about DANCE MACABRE last year (2004) at a film convention. He insisted that it was in no way a sequel to PHANTOM, but was quite animated and passionate about the sequel as it was originally planned, detailing for me the sets built (subway cars, etc.) and plot. He truly regretted it never went beyond pre-production, and was quite excited that PHANTOM was coming out on DVD at last. He's very proud of the movie.


It has nothing to do with Phantom,except Robert Englund,who´s pretending to be a woman in the film(and he´s horrible in drag,LOL)
