About 15 years ago when I was a kid I caught on TV a scene from a movie in which a white young ballerina/dancer was attracted into a dark corner of the stage by a masked man who starred at her and then approached her, unveiled one of her breasts, he touched it with his hand, and then he pulled back into the dark and disappeared, leaving the girl uncovered and confused. I remember there was something erotic/sexual about this particular scene, or at least that's the way I perceived it at the time. Is this the film??
Hmmm sounds like another film starring Jill. If it's what I'm thinking of then it's one of my favorite horror films/sequels growing up. It's called when's stranger calls back. It was made for showtime in 1993, but it is actually a sequel to a much olde film called when a stranger calls starring Carol Kane. I rentedtbeoriginal after, but the one you saw is the one I like best. Yes, she bates one breast, but it's not consensual. The killer actual has camouflaged himself into the wall, & gropes her, & beats her while she's in a coma.
Nope, it's NOT. Thank you for your reply. I've downloaded and watched 'When a Strange Calls Back' (1993) and nowhere in the film is the scene I described and saw. I've posted on IMDb board 'I Need to Know' countless times, but without result. I've watched all 'The Phantom of the Opera' film adaptations (even the very old ones), and I could not find that scene. I'm very sure it involved a ballerina dancer (I remember the woman wearing specific performance dress). Thanks anyway!