Bed time scene

It's Kevin's birthday night, Gil gives a little wave and says Good Night birthday boy. Then Kevin says when he grows up he wants to work with his dad so they could still see each other every day. Gil walks over and pokes his son, says I love you and leaves. It was weirdly distant to me. It may be because I am a mother and I have two daughters but I hug and kiss my children, especially on their birthday and when they say something expressing their admiration for me. I know my husband would do that as well, but like I said I have daughters. Do men really feel the need to limit physical touching with their sons to horseplay?



I think it was a "we said sappy things, now we need to be macho and break it up with goofiness" kind of thing.


That scene had one of the greatest lines though about him wanting to work with his dad.


Yes, all men are monsters and horrible people. We all do the same thing and if thst thing isn't what you'd do, it's clearly wrong.

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I didn't say that all men are monsters and horrible people. The scene didn't ring true for me and I was wondering if anyone could comment on a personal level, taking from real life rather than cliches and stereotypes and movies.


I'm a girl, my dad kissed me goodnight and my mom didn't, and I don't know if she kissed my brother either, I don't think my dad was very involved in his bedtime rituals.


That seemed to echo the relationship I had with my dad at that age. My mother would have kissed me. I think it's more different personalities and parental roles than gender related.

