Definitely seems like the OP just feels very strongly about his or her view on abortion so you've perhaps taken this scene very personally.
It isn't about my views on abortion and truth-be-told, I don't have a hard-line stance on the issue. I'm not anti-abortion, but I wouldn't say I'm pro-choice either.
It's about the character being a total p-ssy to the point he played the pro-choice card all because he was too much of a coward to take a stance. What kind of husband does that? Putting that much pressure on your spouse and washing your hands of an issue you not only have a right, but an obligation to contribute an opinion on is totally unacceptable. Tell her you think an abortion would be best or that you want her to have the kid, but to refuse to give an answer is cowardly.
And, if you are female, it's disappointing that the US consistently witnesses political debates over a woman's ultimate right to have an abortion under any circumstance, and you have the nerve to be angered at the fact that someone would leave the decision up to a woman alone.. Are you kidding?
F-ck off with this sh!t. People like you are disgust me. You'll gladly not only take, but expect, a man's help with a child, but if he has an opinion over whether you should have the kid or not, you want nothing to do with him. You're a hypocrite.