2 questions

At the end of the movie was Gil and Karen Buckman's newborn child supposed to be a Down Syndrome baby? Sure looked like that to me.

Also, when little Justin was storming the stage there is a shot of him yelling a word behind the play scenery that sounded like "Stella". Anyone know if that is what he said?


Just watched movie for the zillionth time yesterday and this is the first time I noticed that in the final scene Gil and Karen's baby does seem to have Down's Syndrome. I googled to see if any of the Down Syndrome foundation sites or anyone had picked up on this and a few folks out there appear to have.

So subtle and adds even more depth to this great movie, which I've enjoyed through every stage of marriage and parenthood myself.

will have to watch some time and listen for "Stella." That would be hilarious.


Justin was saying "Taylor" (his sister's name).

"The worst time to have a heart attack is during a game of charades"


If that were true, they most both hate themselves for not aborting it. It would make an already bad film into one of the worst ever. A special needs kid after all they have to deal with? Not even Ron Howard is that cruel.


You're reading too much into it, a lot of babies look like that. And Nomar77, you are evil.


"Aborting it?" "It" is a child! Obviously Nomar you know nothing about Downs Syndrom, or compassion.


Now that is a funny comment. :) The kid is normal.


I've seen this movie a dozen times -- love the ending, and to me, their baby looks just fine. I just love that the Martin character looks so relaxed -- room full op people, he's chatting, and changing a diaper expertly -- he's stopped looking so nervous all the time!


Agreed. I thought the child had Down's Syndrome as well.

You people are the disease, but I've got the cure. ~Morgan on "Chuck"


pretty sure that baby doesn't have DS.
