MovieChat Forums > No Holds Barred (1989) Discussion > Second Best Movie Starring a Professiona...

Second Best Movie Starring a Professional

They only move better than this starring a professional wrestler is "they live" starring Roddy Roddy Piper which is a 10 out of 10 great movie but this is one good too but not quite on the level of the live still probably a 8 or 9 out of 10 movie.


It's obvious that you've never seen "Psi Fighters".

(Insert stupid movie quote here)


Movies with wrestlers in that are better than NO HOLDS BARRED IMO

The Running Man
Demolition Man
Predator (all Jesse Ventura)

The Princess Bride (Andre The Giant)

Over The Top (Terry Funk)

Welcome To The Jungle (The Rock)

Beyond The Mat

Hitman Hart: Wrestling With Shadows

Bodyslam (roddy Piper)

"I believe in this, and its been tested by research, he who f$cks nuns will later join the church"


You forgot Roadhouse also starring the living legend Terry Funk


The Rundown, Walking Tall & The Scorpian King Are All Better Than They Live

Jimmy Mac



"i heard about some wacko called joe public......get a job!!!!" - johnmarshall 44


"The Rundown, Walking Tall & The Scorpian King Are All Better Than They Live"

Get out of here with that crap! They Live is a better film than all three combined.


No Holds Barred is not the best Hogan movie, Rocky III is. Hogan played a great heel wrestler in that movie. The best acting he ever did was in Rocky III. How about Highlander? (The first one.) I seem to recall a wrestling match in the very first scene of that movie.


Garbage Pail Kids: The Movie was better than They Live. Dude Where's My Car is better than They Live. Watching mold grow is better than They Live.


The only reason They Live was great was because it was a John Carpenter film.


They Live is one of my favs, but out of movies that star wrestlers in it No Holds Barred is the best. Granted, it is no oscar worthy movie, but it is very enjoyable. They Live is second, w/ The Rundown w/ The Rock at third. I applaud Vince for having WWE Films. See No Evil was a decent horror movie & even though i can't stand John Cena, The Marine looks like a decent action movie and Stone Cold's movie looks real good. I think WWE films will make better films as time goes on. Until then 1.) No Holds Barred 2.) They Live & 3.) The Rundown are the tops.
