MovieChat Forums > No Holds Barred (1989) Discussion > No English subtitle in the set up?? Erro...

No English subtitle in the set up?? Error?

I bought it when it first came out on July 5th at best buy. I decided to watch it today and finding out there is no English subtitle available from the main menu setting. I fully aware there is 3 subtitles, English, Spanish, and French. However, there is only Spanish and French.

It got me really upset and I cannot watch a movie without closed captioned or English subtitle. The reason is because I'm Deaf and likes to fully understand of what's going on and dialogues between characters.

What should I do? I felt it is a false claim advertisting of it has English subtitle on the back of the DVD cover while it does not when watch a movie. I did called WWF Studios (Digital) in Los Angeles but it's a dead end, nothing. Just a voice automated options with no live operator. I need to find a way to file a complaint and report it somehow. Help would be appreciation, thanks.


Never mind, I went on and found a reviewer who had a same problem with no English subtitle which he said was mislead with DVD specs and it only works on closed captioned despite of no incidiation of closed captioned symbol anywhere in the dvd's cover. So I checked it again and tried with closed captioned, it worked! Thank god! Now people, if you came across with this issue, please read and don't be fret over this. Use closed captioned instead and enjoy the movie.


Glad it worked out but yeah it's very weird it only has french and Spanish...i just discovered it today when i watched it.



I've ran into this sort of thing on DVD's at other times, when the movie isn't actually subtitled but is rather closed captioned.

What do you think this is, a signature? It's a way of life!
