Shouldn't this be called..
..mystery hotel?
Or more like "boring, depressing hotel with a couple of faraway guests that are surprisingly listless for such exotic people"?
Ok, that'd be a tad long, but first of all, I don't see what's so "MYSTERY" about this. Except that people actually watched it.
Mystery? What mystery? A murder mystery? Nope. A mystery of a gun being fired? That's cleared up pretty quickly in a mundane way. What, then? How a supposedly japanese girl who has never been outside the country can pronounce english so perfectly in an american accent, but who still can't understand spoken english almost at all (and who can actually form way better sentences than actual japanese people I have seen on japanese TV shows)? Is that the mystery?
Why they included nudity and nipples in this movie? Well, that's no mystery - it's probably the only way they thought they could get anyone to view this depressing, snail-paced meaninglessness.
Well, how about the second part of the name.
What's so "TRAIN" about this?
The first segment begins with a train, and some characters (but not all) also leave Memphis by train in the end - but most of the movie, trains are only seen on the background, and even then, quite rarely. So, what's so "TRAIN" about this movie?
Heck, even "Under Siege 2: Dark Territory" is more "MYSTERY TRAIN" than this movie! At least most of that actually HAPPENS IN A TRAIN!
So even the title is a lie.. let me tell you a correct, descriptive name for this boring flick: