We R Animals?

Hello. I didn't exactly know where to ask my question, but I thought under Meet the Feebles would be very appropriate.

About two years ago I heard news of an R rated Swedish film directed by Thobias Hoffmen called 'We R Animals', that followed in similar footsteps as MTF. To say the least, this sounded awesome and looked great--however it seems as though it has disappeared off the radar. Does anyone know if this is still in production?

I've scoured the web and can't seem to find any updates, the website for the film says, "Since we're busy making this film we haven't had time to make the coolest website yet. Which isn't very helpful to say the least. Haha

The plot goes as follows:

"Snow White the rabbit is stuck in a sadistic man’s pet store, she craves for love but nobody wants to take her home. But one day the animals wreck havoc and they all escape, including Snow White. She gets lost with her newfound freedom and almost dies, until the nice old lady Alice saves her. Snow White would’ve had a bright future if not for Alice’s jealous and vindictive dogs, who call on their friend Flash, a shady and devious pimp cat. Together they plan to transform Alice’s apartment into a brothel for animals, and force Snow White and even the human Alice into prostitution."

Here's their website:


Here is where you can see pictures and read about the synopsis:


Any info would be great, I'm really looking forward to this IF it comes out...

"Well, I'm out guys. If this is what's cool now I think I'm done; I no longer have any connection to this world... I'm gonna go home and kill myself." -Eric Cartman
