Meet the Feebles may be Peter Jackson's most underrated movie. Yet it was put on DVD in the worst way you can think of. Who all thinks this movie deserves better on DVD? Preferably from Anchor Bay with a widescreen anamorphic transfer. I don't know a petition for this movie to have a better DVD but if anybody knows one, great. Write about this if you all want to! Meet the Feebles rocks! By the way, my two favorite lines from the movie are: TREVOR, I WANT THAT FUDGE PACKER ELIMINATED!!! and EAT LEAD YOU MAN-STEALING SLUT!!! Anybody got better lines from the movie?
The film does need the 'ol SE treatment but not by Anchor Bay. The way I see it, Code Red should release a SE. This is what I think the SE should be like.:
MEET THE FEEBLES 20th Anniversary Edition
Distributor: Code Red
Disc 1: The Film (Uncut and Unrated version) Tech Specifications: -All New High Definition Transfer from The Original Negative supervised and approved by Peter Jackson -Anamorphic 1.66:1 Widescreen approved by Peter Jackson -Newly-Remixed English 5.1 Surround EX supervised by Peter Jackson -English Original Theatrical Mono Track Special Features: -Audio Commentary with Peter Jackson, Cameron Chittock, Mark Hadlow, and Brian Sergent -"Not Your Typical Puppet Movie: The Legacy of Meet The Feebles" 45 Minute Documentary -Interviews with Peter Jackson, Cameron Chittock, Richard Taylor, Mark Hadlow, Brian Sergent, and Stuart Devenie -"Meet The Feebles: 20 Years Later": Interviews with Robert, Lucille, Heidi, Bletch, Wynard, Sebastian, Sidney, Arthur, and Harry -Theatrical Trailer, TV Spots and Radio Spots
Disc 2: The Film (Original 1989 Theatrical Version. Best Buy Exclusive Bonus Disc) Tech Specifications: -All New High Definition Transfer from The Original Negative approved and supervised by Peter Jackson -Original 1.33:1 Full Screen -English 2.0 Surround Dolby Digital supervised by Peter Jackson -English Original Theatrical Mono Track Special Features: -Sex, Drugs, and Soft Toys: The Making Of Meet The Feebles" Vintage Documentary -Behind-The-Scenes Footage -Photo and Still Galleries
Well, this is from the trivia part on the board:"This film was shot with standard 16mm color film stock, which has a TV-Monitor aspect ratio of 4:3 (or 1.33:1). So all VHS and DVD editions that look like they are "pan and scan" are really fullscreen." As much as I love my movies in widescreen, doing so to this, you'd lose some picture information.
Someone needs to get on Peter Jackson and get him to do this. I still have a VHS version I purchased at a horror convention back in the day. I heard the DVD sucks, so I did not purchase it.
Line: "Hey you fat slag, move your ass!" (after a sweet opening number)
Well, I can't see the likes of a 2-disc being made, probably just a SE with a brief featurette or two with sparse interviews with the crew, the trailer, TV spots and maybe a commentary. Of course, it all depends if Peter Jackson has the spare time if his work on both Tintin and both Hobbit films has some open gaps during production.
I'm sure PJ still thinks about his low-budget splatter roots at times and would be happy to discuss them briefly for a while. After watching Braindead tonight (ugggh...LOL...bleagh..HEE HEE... gross oh man), I must state that he certainly was a young, silly genius.
I agree, with all the resources and technical capabilities PJ has at his disposal, he should get some of his people to do some great DVDs of his first movies.