MovieChat Forums > Meet the Feebles (1995) Discussion > this movie isnt even that good!!

this movie isnt even that good!!

hey i was walking through the shops and saw this on a dvd stand for $4 so i bought it
when i got home i watched it and from hearing all this hype about this movie being really disguisting and offensive and stuff like that i was shocked cause there was nothing bad about the movie in that ways
there was maybe one or two puppet sex scenes which were only brief and a couple of puppets getting killed
this movie isnt that special get over it ive seen tons of movies rthat are worse!!!


this movie was not the kind you were lookin for then

nWo 4-Life! Halloween Rules!(The Holiday)



I actually thought it was boring, very boring actually. I laughed a couple of times, but the rest I just sat there. This movie could have been so much funnier.

Dinner mah boi.


Considering it was made for less than a million dollars, it's fantastic. Don't blame the movie for your inability to appreciate a movie for what it is.

The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob:


What are you talking about "get over it"?
