Blu ray?
Does anyone know when this will be released on blu ray in Australia or the rest of the world?
shareDoes anyone know when this will be released on blu ray in Australia or the rest of the world?
shareNot too sure I know Spirited Away is sometime next year (Oops this year lol still in the 2012 mindset). I just wish Ghibli would at least date them so we know. Apparently they take about 3 months from what I heard
And here's another curse. May all your bacon burnshare
3 months!? So that's about 20 SG films (roughly)... 60 months for the whole catalogue to get a Blu-ray release.
shareUpdate: The Blu-ray of this film (and Porco Rosso and Grave of the Fireflies, along with a few others) will be released in the UK and Europe (and possibly Australia/NZ) on 1 July. :)