Was the ending changed?
I watched this movie when I was really little, and I found it fairly cheap at a used video store and decided to buy it so I could watch it again.
I started the movie and realized right away some of the lines seemed different than I remembered (Such as Jiji never saying "Don't panic!" or something along the lines as Kiki flew through a storm) but then the blimp scene was very different. In the version I watched the boy was handing from a rope and the blimp hit a clock tower, Kiki flew over and saved the boy.
My memory of the movie is that the blimp was burning. I even asked my mom what she thought happened (because I use to watch this movie on repeat as a child) and she said "Doesn't the blimp burn?" Maybe we both are just remembering wrong. But I was curious if the ending was changed?
Thank you!