
I bough and watched this movie yesterday night. This movie scared the hell out of me when i was a child, as i watched, i remembered why i had been so traumatise, the gore is just, or whatever is thr appropriate way to put it, lol i mean come on all infecties joining in one big atrocity, and near the end when Dejesus fusionned head ask the main character to kill him arghhh crazy *beep* hahaha. Anyway was totaly worth 5 bucks lol.

But the 10 last minutes where in my opinion not that good, unfortunatly.

1) Its actually one of the few times i was really pissed at someone death in a horror/slasher/sci fi movie. By all rights, Jones should have survived, Hell i was like woah 3 of them actually made it! nice, not cliché at all,its always the main chicks and the main guy that survive usualy. Jones survived, the chopper land to pick them, was SURE at that point ( after he survived the shark attack) he was going to make it. Boy i was wrong, he get clubed to death. So clossssssssse dammit LOL, the creature came back just for a big BOOM, dont know why personly, i was already satisfied when its head got crush by the elevator anyway............

2) At the end i found it kind of awkward when beck punched its female boss, not that she didnt deserve it but....really, the chick should have punched her LOL


I expected the girl to punch her... I thoguht it was much funnier that he did...

Peter Weller was awesome. Not Buckaroo Banzai or RoboCop level awesome, but man did I have fun seeing it in a theatre the other night.


The creature that was crushed was one creature. THe creature that surfaced and attacked Jones was the first creature that absorbed Sixpack and Bowman that was ejected from the lab.




Dam right man i sure as hell would have hit her too, maybe even twice lol


The fact that Beck punched her was just so much the better. No chivalry here, haha. Not that I condone beating of women, tho. :P
