This just came on the main Encore station tonight. WTF? Why would Encore put this movie on out of nowhere? It's sandwiched between Good Will Hunting and Lord of the Rings 3. That doesn't make any sense, especially for a forgettable B flic like this in between two Oscar winning pics.
I doubt they'll kick up any fuss. Not for an old crook like me.
WOW This was the first time I sat through this movie and I think what impresses me the most is that there was some other poor soul that just watched it on Encore and had the urge to get on it's IMDB message board. Anyway, that was the most God-awful movie I've ever seen, but it's one of those that is so bad, you enjoy watching it.
Funny - I actually tivo'd it on March 18th on Encore and am just now getting around to watching it. It's terrible, yet I can't seem to turn it off. I think it's making me dumber by the second, though.
What have I done? Why did I watch this!? I just watched this as well tonight. Now I sit and wonder why I did it! I do agree with the person who said it was so bad that you just HAVE to sit through it...train wreck quality. I am, however, thinking of two positives about spending my time to watch this...
1- we did not pay for it!! 2- we can now tell the poster from the movie "Kill Bill" who was upset at African Americans who "always die first" in movies...that this is yet another where the African American indeed does not die first!! Oh well...I will try to make better movie choices in the future.
I didn't think it was that bad. It’s not like it was a Misty Mundae movie. But I get it; it’s a cross between John Carpenter's "Thing" and "Alien".
(Caution: Thar be spoilers here.) Trapped inside the "ship" is a creature that hides in the machinery and pops out of (or into) people’s chests (alla “Alien”). It mutates from the crew members (alla “Thing”). And, of course, there is Amanda Pays … in the shower and a swimsuit! The final battle scene was a bit chopped up and predictable … and there ALWAYS seems to be the guy-in-the-door gag. But the final in-water scene was truely tacky and unbeleiveable. Overall, I give it a “7”
Still a Peter Weller fan (original “Robo Cop” and “Screamers”)! Uncle Dave
“Failure may not be an option but it’s a distinct possibility” –Uncle Dave
hah. i'm sitting here watching it on encore right now and it sure is terrible! right now one of the wet bandits from home alone is running around with a rubber spider saying it bit his foot! classic stuff! oh no, he's going to die in the water! i hope robocop or winston zeddemore can save him!
lol, If you think thats a bad movie (Watching it now on encore lol) the check out Troll 2. Worst movie ever made. No really ever made, not kidding. Look it up on here and see the reviews. Its funny stuff.
Main problem I had with the movie is how characters reacted. "Hey, you stay here and get eaten by a giant leech while I run off and shut the door on you!"
I just watched it on encore as well.... and there really is nothing good to say about this movie aside from some decent special effects and set-design. The monster is silly looking when they finally do show it and looks nothing like what the entire movie was hyping it up to be. In fact, it was hardly shown at all! There was absolutely no climax to this movie and all of the deaths seemed very sloppy. The characters were just taken away without every really understand what was going on. Just horrible! When i watch a B movie like this, I at least expect it to be gory enough so that it's entertaining. :( Oh well, I thought it was amazing when I was 8 years old, not 21. I can only imagine what most people thought when this first hit theaters, because the premiere was certainly not full of 8 year olds.
*SPOLIERS* Oh yes me too....I hated that jones died...I am shocked the feminists didnt throw up in arms over a man punching a woman...but that was one of my favorite scenes actually
I thought it was pretty good up until the last 15 minutes or so and then it turned into a cheese fest. The way they killed off the last bit of the crew was lame. The escape, shark scare, rescue chopper, final scare and death sequence was overdone. You could see the boss getting punched from a mile away and it felt cheap.
The leech stage of the monster I thought was the coolest version and it was a pretty solid effect. the final monster was meh.
The set design was pretty cool but is typical of the genre.
The cast was decent and acted well enough for the most part.
There are a few ok gasp moments and some moderate tension but on the whole its more gross than scary.
for people who like B monster movies, Peter Weller and Ernie Hudson.
S, here we are a good 7 yrs after the original post and I came to this board to comment on how odd it was that this little turd of an 80's genre rip-off was broadcast on Encore.
Scared me horribly when I saw a heavily edited version as a kid when it was bradcast at some point during the 12-6 hr movie block on my Fox affiliate (Fox 43, East TN) in the early 90s. Out of curiosity (and with traumatic memories)I gave it a view.
It did not hold up well. I thought Peter Weller and Richard Crenna were ok, but man it was double plus un-good. The fish creature at the end was perversely amusing.
So, now I am like, who is the programming wiz who was like, "Ahhh yes, LEVIATHAN, should play well with the average Encore subscriber. Yahzee!" Are they being ironic? Sincere? Cheap? And apparently this has been going on since '06 minimally.
It's not like Encore has a very high standard. Look at the site at their list of action movies. There are tons of cheesy 80's crapfests from Chuck Norris flicks to Cyborg 3. (They aren't even showing the original Cyborg it's gotten so bad). So to show this movie should not come as a shock. I won't go into detail about how bad this movie is. It's been done enough on these boards alone. It's just amazing such true cinema icons like Jerry Goldsmith and Stan Winston were involved. The score was truly unmemorable and the creature effects looked like crap they scraped off the floor at Winston's studio. The really shocking? - David Webb Peoples wrote this. WTF !!!?!?!? I do admit i watched it twice. Once in the early 90's on a VCR tape...and just recently on Encore. Gacckk...It's still bad.