Vorstedt knowing Riggs
So Vorstedt lets Riggs know who he is when they first meet at the diplomatic safe house...when Riggs and Murtagh break in and Rudd tells them to leave because it’s a diplomatic residence and they have no jurisdiction.
When Riggs introduces himself...Vorstedt says; “Riggs? You’re Martin Riggs?” Riggs Says, “Yeah of the Chicago Riggs’s...what’s your name?”
And Riggs isn’t a bit phased or concerned that this shady AF security officer in a consulate representing a pariah regime across the world knows who he is?
I mean there’s other implausible scenarios in the movie...like getting your house shot up from an attack helicopter and instead of going to police HQ to report it and be safe you walk her home like nothing happened? Waiting to get ambushed.
But this first exchange between Riggs and Vorstedt always bothered me. Or rather Riggs’ nonchalance about someone like Vorstedt knowing who he is.