station wagon.

Why was Murtaugh using his station wagon to patrol anyway? Why wouldn't he use a squad car? This never made any sense.


He's a plain clothes cop and works mainly in the homicide division when not seen in the movies, watch any of the reality cop shows. They drive their own cars if they aren't regular cops.

The bigger question about the station wagon is why did he buy the exact same model and paint job as the one from the first movie.


No undercovers would drive an unmarked cruiser, because if he has to transport a crook, they could kick, vomit, etc in it and it's his PERSONAL CAR


I take it that they arrest the perp and hold them at the scene till patrolmen arrive.


True but why? He's paying for his own gas, where's if he had a police cruiser, the city would. In the first one he drove an unmarked cruiser. He should've done it in this one.


Real detectives call blac n´ whites to transport all criminals.

´´This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time´´


Why was Murtaugh using his station wagon to patrol anyway? Why wouldn't he use a squad car? This never made any sense.
I've wondered this myself, but plainclothes cops and the cars they use tends to shift with the winds, depending on what you're watching. In the first movie (deleted sniper scene), Riggs was undercover narco, but he drove an unmarked police vehicle. Yet Murtaugh always drove his personal vehicle.

On "Southland", the plainclothes detectives drive unmarked police Chargers.

But then on "Justified", Olyphant drives his own Lincoln.

"Homicide" had the detectives in white police-issue Chevys.

"To Live and Die in L.A." had William Petersen driving his own truck.

Bad Boys had Will Smith driving his own Porsche on the job

Seems to me that a non-uniform officer would still be driving a city vehicle, no different than a uniform driving a black-and-white - if for no other reason than insurance. I can't speculate, as I'm not a cop. I guess the inconsistency just comes down to "That's Hollywood for ya"?

Hell, I breast-fed til I was sixteen years old, and I still don't understand women.
