Condom commercials

I remember seeing Lethal Weapon 2 back in 1989 and thinking that even though the rubber commercial was a joke, it was probably something that would be a reality soon.
It made sense at the time. It was the late 80's, AIDS was still an issue and with the whole safe sex thing being drilled into our brains I assumed condom commercials would be coming soon.
But here we are over 25 years later and still no condom commercials. That seems so strange to me.
I remember seeing one years ago on MTV but that was a rarity.


As i recall, (I'm 40) condom commercials usually didn't air that early because 8 pm was part of prime time. Parents were still watching TV with their kids awake.

I didn't see them on TV until after 11 pm. And it depended on the station. Late condom commercials would have been shown during SNL or a late show on one of the Big Three, but a cable channel wouldnt have been as restrictive.


In Hong Kong, they have condom commercials. England, too.
