I LOVE this movie!

I just watched this movie for like the millionth time.

Its just...perfect. I love it.

"He pissed it all away!"


Me too. I just bought my first big screen plasma and this was the first DVD I bought. It is perfect. I can't believe how overlooked it was when it first came out...and still, I guess! I decided this Christmas, all my friends are getting a copy of the DVD!


It's not the millionth time, but I wanted you to know that I'm watching it again tonight, Sept. 1 at 8:30pm!!


Well guys, you are not alone!

I have had this movie on VHS since ever, and watched a million times, will now have to get on DVD to rake in the two million times.

What a great dialogue that goes on...love it.


Anyone who's ever spent time at the track should love this film, full of great performances, including those by David Johansen, Robbie Coltrane, Allen Garfield, Teri Garr, and of course one of the very best lightly comedic touches by chronically underappreciated Richard Dreyfuss. Fabulous stuff. "Lord... I'm not like these other losers..." And, for one magical day -- he isn't!


Oh yes...this movie just kicks!
I saw the movie once like in 1996 for the first time and for some reason I could not get my hands on it. Finally a month ago I bought the DVD, very cheap as well! 7 bucks. Seen it like 9 times since I bought it.
Richard Dreyfuss delivers!

Experience is a hard teacher, it gives you the test first, and after that it gives you the lesson.


It was on one of the HD channels so I broke down and watched it again. This is one of those hidden gems that not enough people know about.


It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who loves this movie - it makes my 10 funniest list, easily.

The casting is flawless; Richard Dreyfuss at his comedic best, David Johansen is a scream, as are Jennifer Tilly, Robbie Coultran (the ticketseller) and Richard Dimitri (Cheeseburger).

Best line: "God likes me, He Really, Really likes me!!", delivered as only Dreyfuss could deliver it.


This is one of the few movies that never gets old. I find myself proselytising this gem to even casual acquaintances. The bar in Let It Ride reminds me of a small bar across the street from Saratoga racetrack where everybody is an expert handicapper and/or knows a guy who knows a groom who says to bet the farm on Gluefoot in the 4th race.

I have to buy the DVD now because I've worn out the VHS.


" didnt you hear what he said?" ... "The only was that Charity loses is if she's hit by lightning when she leaves the starting gate!" .... " What? ... Do ya like the odds on lightning? "

LOVE , LOVE , LOVE this movie!


Yes its an amazing movie indeed especially for track fans.

One of my all time cult classics.


I love it as well. A great movie full of wonderful actors. I love a movie where even the smallest role, or the simplest dialogue can have a lasting impact. I feel many movies at IMDB are vastly overrated. However, this is one of the few that I feel deserves a better rating. I give it a 8/10. It may not be quite that good, but it's better than a 7/10.

A small tidbit for all. Jennifer Tilly was supposed to show her breasts during her scenes in the final race. However, when the time came, she refused to let her breasts "pop" out of her dress while she was cheering on the horse.


It's a classic...This and Moon over Parador are both hidden comedy gems.


Its one of those movies I decided to catch for "something to watch" and ended up loving it. I wish the end orchestral music carried on a little longer rather than cutting so quickly into the paul revere song again which then itself quickly cuts out into another song which itself cuts out into anohter song (!) but that's nit-picky.

Richard Dreyfuss is great in this and has my favourite line, "DID I WIN?! SON OF A BITCH!". I also love the scenes with Robbie Coltrane, pure gold. Particularly after the win when Robbie prompts him for his shoes and then Dreyfuss ruffles his hair and slaps his face. just great.

There's something about Richard Dreyfuss doing comedy. Any fan of this should check out the Stakeout movies which are also real favourites of mine.


I frankly cant remember a more sexy woman in any role in any other film ever. I lover her playing the bimbo when she actually ain't. And the scene in the members club.......GOD I love her.


I placed it in 5th in all time favorite movies. The considerable constant languageh very much helps the script, It's the funniest movie Ive ever viewed. I laugh every nearly ever line in the movie.

Trotter kneeling in the mens stall:
"I'm due"
(guy in next stall)
"So's Jesus"

After winning $69,000
"Did I win!?, Son of a b*tch!"

Terri Gar "Why are they all cheering?"
Trotter "Im having a very good day"

Terri Gar "I've decided to become an alcoholic, it's healthiest thing Ive ever done"



"Let It Ride" is my all time favorite feel good movie.


...one of the ALL-TIME, greatest movie comedies! It's one of those rare, unknown movie gems that never disappoints from a recommendation.

I'm NOT much of a track fan, but I know all the flavors and textures of the track are here - one can almost smell the soured desperation.

Two things about this are major head scratchers for me though:

1) Screenwriter Nancy Dowd took her name off of the credits. Why in the name of Ernest Lehman you'd want to not be associated with a masterpiece like this is a mystery. I mean her brother is a co-producer, and she's written things like "Slap Shot" and her Oscar nabbing "Coming Home", so.....

2) The screenplay was based on a little known novel called "Good Vibes" by Jay Cronley, also the author of Funny Farm and Quick Change. The latter two were amusing enough films, but not even in the same league as Let It Ride. Good Vibes" is now one of the rarest books you can waste your time looking for. It's not just out of print, but for some reason know only to God and Random House it's also quite pricey. The cheapest USED paperback you'll find on Amazon.com goes for about $250! So.....why is THIS book (not a big seller, and inspiration for a little known movie) so expensive? Is it really that 'in demand'? Every one of his other books can be bought for chump change, so.....wtf?

Does anyone have a copy (hard bound or paperback) of "Good Vibes" by Jay Cronley? I'd never try to talk you out of it - not much of a 'collector' - but I really need to READ the original source material, for several reasons. Not just to see the differences in Dowd's script and Cronley's book, but I am serious thinking about petitioning for the rights to turn this into a musical. I can't think of more colorful characters I'd like to see on the Broadway stage than these guys and dolls! Not since Damon Runyon have we seen their ilk.

Any copy I can borrow or rent????

- Voicedude

(Google me for contact info)


SOOOOO happy I'm not the only person on the planet who has watched this thing multiple multiple times and adore it. I cant start quoting lines and scenes. I'll never stop.


100% agree. This movie is greatness.

