A reason I think so many people liked this one
Let's face it, each of us has some facet of our lives where he/she has resigned themselves to being a lifelong loser. Whether it's gambling, dieting, romance, whatever, even those with relatively successful lives have something they stink at.
This one not only embraces that fact, it CELEBRATES it! There's something lovable about every character in this movie, and every single one of them is a bona fide loser. Tom Petty's "Even the Losers (Get Lucky Some Time)" would've been a great theme song for this if the filmmakers weren't working with a budget of roughly eighty-five bucks and a 1972 Chevy Vega.
Too many movies want to make winners and heroes out of their protagonists. This one is just one loser having "a really good day" and pretty much acknowledging that that's all it is. There are no winners, no heroes, just a bunch of doofuses who hang out with all the other doofuses at the track each weekend and who understand, deep down, that none of them is destined for anything better. It reminds me a little of all the regulars at Cheers.
No one lives a perfect life. This movie reminds everyone that we're all screw-ups in one way or another, and that we can always find kindred spirits in that fact of life, and that maybe, every once in a while, we can still have a really good day.
My personal favorite quote from the movie:
Bartender: "And I'm seeing what looks like a 'D'. Now that could be Dallas. Or Denver."
Random customer: "Or Da Giants!"
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