On DVD...

Found it at:

Just ordered a copy here to the US...

I know it's Region 2, but there is software to convert to Region Free to play on Region 1 DVD players: (http://www.dvdshrink.org/). Of course this is for your own personal backup of the DVD only...

I saw a "Directors" episode on the Starz channel (forget which one) with Michael Mann (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00005UM4D/002-3003448-9033603?v=glance). He discussed that he actually walked away from this project because of creative differences. The original director's name was Alan Smithee, which is the generic name directors use when they do not want their name associated with a film.

I thought "Heat" was an excellent film - still think Val Kilmer stole the show - and had to see what it was "born" from...


I saw that show too, and I think what happened according to that show and what I've read was that he wanted to make "Heat" longer for TV broadcast. The network said they'd put in the extra 17 minutes he asked for, but they took out a whole hour so that it could fit into a two-parter. Mann was upset with this and so the TV broadcast of "Heat" had Alan Smithee as the director, but that is actually Mann.
