MovieChat Forums > L.A. Takedown (1989) Discussion > It is simple: I never liked HEAT that mu...

It is simple: I never liked HEAT that much but loved LA Takedown

Funny how this goes, all through Heat I was thinking.. man I know this movie already but in a more fun more exciting way.

Never really liked Heat despite the fact I watched it a few times. always loved LA takedown for its raw unpretentious energy. None of the so called "acting" and "suppose to be supercool moment between de niro and pacino" It felt like those guys wheren't even in the same room when they played the scene.

Naah Heat is a distant, sterile version of this silly crazy mad furious Takedown.

Makes me wonder how many people who saw LA Takedown first enjoyed Heat more and vice versa.

And no this is not flamebait so please keep your nerdy retoric for someone else, its a matter of personal taste.

Its digital and exposed!


I'm with you for my two pence worth and I really don't like the fact Mann is unhappy with this film.
I saw this first, probably in my early teens I think, and was also a little disappointed with Heat- very good in it's own way but I think LA Takedown nailed things a little better. Some of the dialogue in Takedown just seems so much better and naturalistic.
The only thing I can really say I liked better in Heat was Tom Sizemore who fitted his role much better than the guy in Takedown. Mann went over the top with back story in Heat it seemed to me, throwing in a step child for Pacino.
As for the ending I don't think they even compare- why Mann thought he had to degenerate the ending into the usual face off (with the good guy winning obviously) I have no idea!



I agree. I'm pretty sure I saw LA Takedown long before I saw Heat but even if I hadn't I would prefer LA Takedown. As you say, its just so much better, the characters, the scenes, the music, it oozes emotion, and just raw 80s-ness. I find Heat to be a poor imitation.


I'm pretty sure I saw LA Takedown long before I saw Heat but even if I hadn't I would prefer LA Takedown.

That explains everything.

Personally, I would never suppose to declare one movie better than another if I've never actually seen the other. But hey...

I couldn't believe that even one person would have the bravery to hold this opinion, much less admit it publicly. Imagine how surprised I was to see six people come forward with it.

To each his own.

But for the record, pitting LA Takedown against Heat is like putting a Pinto next to a Porsche.


Totally agree. I was talking to a friend today and telling him how, when watching Heat for the first time, I couldn't work out the deja vu I was feeling! I remember being disappointed with the music in Heat compared to LAT which I thought was fantastic. The rawness and the soundtrack music of LAT won it for me.


You are absolutely right. LA Takedown was a much better film, being faster paced giving you many edge of the seat moments. Heat was far too long and languid. You felt you could go to lunch, come back and still not have missed anything.


Heat is a masterpiece. Period

This is a great Show(made for tv)with great ENDING and great perfomance by Scott Plank(RIP) as Vincent Hanna and Alex McArthur as Patrick McLaren

Kudos Michael!

"life is Chiaroscuro matter" Fabio
