Sabotaged by bad marketing?
Anybody else suspect the marketing of this flick may have been the chief cause of its relative obscurity?
Look at the movie's poster: pure 80's action flick kitsch. Clearly aimed at the Arnold-Sylvester-Jean Claude crowd... Which is ironic, because by 1989 that genre was breathing its last gasps; whereas, if they had marketed it as the hip, indie-ish neo-noir flick that it is, they probably would have cashed in on the ground floor of a genre that was just beginning to thrive at that time...
But I'm just going strictly by the poster--and assuming it's indicative of the rest of the film's marketing. Anyone remember it from back in the day? (I was around then, but--unfortunately--I was living the 80's in a pretty cliche sort of way. So much of that decade is now fairly vague and hazy for me, sadly!)
Quid novi? Vidistine nuper imagines moventes bonas?