MovieChat Forums > Kill Me Again (1989) Discussion > Good movie without the back story clutte...

Good movie without the back story clutter

Lean, tight, modern film noir that satisfies. Everyone is good, from leads down to supporting roles. Some good double-crosses, action, suspense, and an early psycho-in-the-making performance by Madsen.

There is no "off" position on the genius switch.


I agree. This was a pretty enjoyable movie.

What do you think this is, a signature? It's a way of life!


Definitely noir. A good story ruined by a plot full of holes and mediocre acting.

Only watched Kill Me Again because it was recommended on the message board for Blood Simple which was excellent.

2/10 Awful


Kill Me Again is excellent. Blood Simple is everything else you said.



Entertaining, intriguing (in its own right), and for the most part, it's quite well-executed. Probably not the most original noir film ever made, but it does have some good things going for it, in my view.

And mediocre acting? Certainly not by the three leads.

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!


Too bad they don't make them like this anymore.
