Daniel was under the impression that the lessons were for free, when it is common sense that there is no such thing as a free lunch. Terry made it clear that Daniel owed him more than a face-to-face resignation. It seems like all Daniel owed Terry was to make an appearance at the All-Valley. Would you say Daniel paid his debt and owes Terry nothing further by the end of the film? Or is Daniel still in debt?
Considering Daniel had already established himself as someone who wastes police time, his chances of successfully pressing charges against an upstanding member of the community like Terry Silver are slim to none. Daniel said it himself, he got laughed out of the police station. Besides, it is likely Terry had donated a considerable amount to local law enforcement.
Silver told him nothing was for free.
Daniel was then given a choice by Silver to either fight one fight (the All Valley) or fight for the rest of his life.
Seeing as Daniel obliged then it is fair to say the debt was paid in full.
Besides, it is likely Terry had donated a considerable amount to local law enforcement.
Donated? Is that the word used for bribe these days?
Daniel never paid his debt to society in general… not paying for his karate lessons was the least of his worries. Unlike WA who screamed at little Timmy when he was a tuppence short on his karate lesson payment, Terry Silver took the dignified approach and allowed Daniels debt to be paid at the tournament by suffering 3 rounds and sudden death filled with pain and fear with tournament terror Mike Barnes. And Terry Silver didn’t bribe anyone. I’m sure he had the police chief over for poached salmon but that was just to show his appreciation for law enforcement.
Unlike WA who screamed at little Timmy when he was a tuppence short on his karate lesson payment,
Didn't happen outside your mind. Stop with your fanatsizing.
Terry Silver took the dignified approach and allowed Daniels debt to be paid at the tournament by suffering 3 rounds and sudden death filled with pain and fear with tournament terror Mike Barnes.
So he did pay his debt to Terry Silver then. Thanks for admitting it...finally.
And Terry Silver didn’t bribe anyone.
Again, stop with the fantasizing.
I’m sure he had the police chief over for poached salmon but that was just to show his appreciation for law enforcement.
A meal that may well be seen as ingratiating himself with the chief of police, just as he did with the DA. Oh and seeing as you think Silver is above bribery, here is a sample of the script:
Silver: What else?
Margaret: The grand jury.
What do you intend to do about them
You’re spelling fantasizing with a Z instead of an S which is incorrect for an Englishman. But then you turn around spell ass with an R. Hypocritical bastard!