MovieChat Forums > The Karate Kid Part III (1989) Discussion > NRC123 has shown his true colours...

NRC123 has shown his true colours...

..and he is a coward.
He tries to have a wager but won't commit to his side of the deal.
This is what you are dealing with folks.


Deal on.


You had your chance and you blew it. Now you are just trying to save face.
No further replies from me on this subject as I don't make deals with the likes of you.


What a coward you are WA.

You gave NRC123 10 minutes to confirm the deal KNOWING that that timeframe wasn't realistic.

As soon as NRC123 logged on he confirmed the deal and now you're trying to weasel your way out with your 10 minute crap time limit crap.

You are a disgrace.

Hey how about this.... WA is a loser and his karate is a joke and he steals money from his students with his McDojo.

If you, WA, do not respond within 10 minutes you are admitting this is all true.

EDIT: It's now been 20 minutes... WA has admitted this is all true.


Such a ridiculous display, played out in public for all to see. Wears doesn’t have faith in his own country.


He's a national embarrassment... the Queen should lock him up.


Or behead him.


I replied to said post in question within six minutes so the excuse of being offline you give is bollocks. Your NRC123 account was posting replies within minutes until that point....your tacit concession is noted.
On a further note, it wasn't a genuine deal seeing as you are the same person. Your NRC123 account could indeed leave, but your cruisin109 account would still be here.
As for being a coward, you need to take a long hard look in the mirror. That is the very definition of a coward!

Oh, and if you don't reply within 10 minutes I'll take it that you agree.

It's now been 11 minutes, cruisin109 agrees and that means NRC123 does too.


[–] wearsalan (3021) a day ago
If by vice versa you mean you leave the boards and never come back

You’re a traitor to your country. First you dodge the draft during the Falklands War and now this. You clearly agreed to the bet, a rare act of courage on your part, before backing out in the most spineless way possible. Like Miyagi all those years ago, you’ve exposed yourself as a ratfink coward in front of the whole village.
The KKIII plot is playing itself out here on the board. Like Danielle, afraid to enter the tournament, you are running scared, leaving a trail of urine in every thread. Cruisin and I should leave you stranded at the bottom of Devil’s Cauldron until you agree.


You didn't seal the deal. You had your chance but still tried to skirt around the issue. Shame on me if I'd fallen for your double dealing.
As for you and cruisin109 leaving me stranded at the bottom of Devils Cauldron, there is no You and cruisin. There's just you. Cruisin is a figment of your imagination.
Btw, there was no draft during the Falklands war.


You unpatriotic coward. You agreed to the deal, got cold feet then backed out. Transparent for everyone to see.


Because you are a slimy bastard. You've already copied and pasted my reply to you. The reply you didn't reply back to asking for confirmation. I posted again saying you hadn't answered my question. You still didn't reply. Instead you made a whole new thread saying I would leave without agreeing to do so yourself should the result not go your way. Hence the ultimatum. You claimed to be off line but you most certainly weren't when the original question was asked of you...twice.
So it boils down to a lack of trust that YOU would actually keep your side of the bargain.


This is a farce. Just accept the bet like a man and we’ll resolve this rivalry once and for all. If I lose, then I’ll relocate to the Cobra Kai board and you’ll have here to yourself. If you’re so confident in England, why back down?


Keep dancing, it's funny.
I just don't trust you. What part of that don't you understand?


You have witnesses.


Oh yes.
Now stop crying


Hey Cruisin, he didn’t accept the bet yet.


Stop talking to yourself, you aren't fooling anyone


*eagerly awaits Cruisin to start trashing WA's dojo with devastating two-armed chops


Two armed chops?
Pork chops with guns? Knives?


Today’s the big day. You still have a few hours to accept the bet and redeem yourself.
According to, England are 7/10 favorites to win with Denmark 17/4. That you would back down from this bet just goes to show what a coward you are deep down.
This has been an appalling display of spinelessness, rivaling even Daniel at the ‘85 All Valley. You make me sick.


What part of that don't you understand?


I’m actually willing to take this risk and accept this sacrifice on behalf of the Kai. I want you gone. If I lose, I’ll just start anew on the Cobra Kai board. I’ve been posting here since 2007 and have been contemplating retirement. I’m disgusted by the way you’ve contaminated the board. It’s time for a final showdown. You and me. Something has to give.


If you leave then that is on you. Personally, I'd rather you stayed.



WA: Hey come on this is getting out of hand here! Don't you get it I don't think England will win okay?


Wake up. The Matrix has got you.

Btw, I did think England would win. I had a bet on the them and won some money.


But you lost whatever dignity you had left on the board. You dishonored your country for all to see. Surprised the Daily Mail hasn’t exposed you yet.


But you see I didn't lose my dignity in the slightest. I simply pulled out of a deal that you refused to confirm the details to. Turns out I was right to do so.


Based on your posting history, we cannot accept anything you say at face value. You are a stranger to the truth.


Let's answer your question on the other thread at the same time shall we?
About seven posts up from this one is a post by you saying you were contemplating leaving the boards. As I said on the other thread, there was no risk at all taken by you etc...
Clear enough for you now, chump?


Let’s settle this once and for all. Accept the same bet for the final tomorrow, or it’s going to be open season on you.


Interesting if WA will have the courage to take this bet or opt to sell out his country again.


Btw, I did think England would win. I had a bet on the them and won some money.

So then why back out of the bet? Once you won, you could have proven your accusation that NRC123 is a liar if he didn't leave.


Wears: “Damn it! Why am I so stupid!”


Are you being deliberately obtuse?
There was nothing for me to win regarding you. You were leaving anyway, you just wanted one last opportunity to beat me. No risk for you at all.


NRC123 was going to leave anyway? Then why is he still here dumbass?


Why are you asking me? Ask yourself!


Guess you don't read too well do you.

And, you have still avoided the issue I notice.


There was nothing for me to win regarding you. You were leaving anyway, you just wanted one last opportunity to beat me. No risk for you at all.

You're drowning WA.

You were too afraid that England would lose so you backed out. You would have "won" had you not reneged on the bet and either forced NRC123 out on your terms OR proved him a liar.

Instead, you showed your cowardice and are receiving your due thrashing from the Kai!


I'm not drowning, but it would appear you have already drowned.
I've already won. NRC123 said he was leaving anyway. There was no need for me to take the bet. The fact that he is still here proves him to be a liar.

Your many opportunities to answer my very simple question have yet again gone unanswered. What's wrong? Are you a liar too?


I'm not drowning, but it would appear you have already drowned.
I've already won. NRC123 said he was leaving anyway. There was no need for me to take the bet. The fact that he is still here proves him to be a liar.

Your many opportunities to answer my very simple question have yet again gone unanswered. What's wrong? Are you a liar too?


WTF are you guys going on about????. Christ on a cracker..😂😂..


They've been at it for years, lol. I love it, they're hilarious! 😁😁😂


Is this for real though, or are they playing? 😂 lol


No idea but it cracks me up 😂😂




Oh no, it's real. They did this on the IMDB message boards, YouTube... I find it amusing and fascinating. Mostly amusing 😂


It’s so funny. I like the seriousness.

Anyways, ENGLAND WON. WOOP WOOP 🤣🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿❤️



It would have been great if they included the scene of Daniel bursting into the police station and going on a cocaine fueled rant about Barnes, Snake and Dennis. Then there would be a moment of silence followed by the entire precinct erupting in laughter and then cutting to Daniel being thrown out the door like Jazz from Fresh Prince.


“And then they interrupted our macaroni and cheese dinner.”


@NRC123 How about pineapple on pizzas, yes or no? 🤣


They’re rich in bromelain.




Inciting Forgery 🤣🤣🤣.
