MovieChat Forums > The Karate Kid Part III (1989) Discussion > Terry Silver vs the Corona Virus

Terry Silver vs the Corona Virus

I'm pretty sure Terry Silver could stop the virus with his Quicksilver technique.

Anyone show symptoms? KIAH! The suspect would be blinded by his tears and choke on his own blood and the virus CAN'T CONTINUE!

I'm pretty sure Whinielle started the virus anyway when he left that dead fish out to rot on Miyagay's table, and he further spread the virus by leaking his contaminated urine all over the Cobra Kai dojo floor.... what horrible and unsanitary things Whinielle did!


....... and he further spread the virus by leaking his contaminated urine all over the Cobra Kai dojo floor

Which was caused by being exposed to QuickSilver technique.
See what happened there?


Terry Silver was capable of anything he put his mind to. He’d donate his Dynatox profits to help find a vaccine while flying his loved ones to Tahiti for social distancing.
Reckless and greedy, Daniel probably kept MMLTs open well past the lockdown, exposing others to the risk of infection.


Reckless and greedy, Daniel probably kept MMLTs open well past the lockdown, exposing others to the risk of infection.
You are talking in the past tense there cruisin109. The coronavirus didn't occur in the Karate Kid, but as I said, if Daniel spread it in the fashion you say in your first post then Silver is responsible for that.


The virus can be traced back to the Okinawan market riot started by Daniel in Part II. Its spread continued when he sold infected bonsai trees to unsuspecting customers around the valley.


Except, cruisin109, it was tracked to China, the wuhan district in particular. But hey, knowing your inclination for ignoring the truth, sure you have your hands over your eyes and fingers in your ears a this moment.


The virus started with Miyagay's family... Miyagay's father brought more than "karate" with him from China.....

Whinielle was responsible for spreading the disease through his terrible unsanitary habits such as sitting in people's food (pies) and leaving a trail or urine behind him wherever he went.


NRC123, instead of throwing out wild accusations, look closer to home. Terry Silvers operations (dumping toxic waste in asian territories) is a more likely reason for both the source and the spread of this virus. Blaming it on the shenanigans of some kid in 1984/5 is simply a desperate bid to push the blame on to somebody else.



How is it hypocrisy to invest money in a company that makes money, NRC123?
It is common sense if anything.


So you would invest in a company that causes coronavirus?


Didn't say it did, NRC123, said it was more likely to be the cause than Daniel.
Read my post again and see how your argument falls apart.


None of this is funny in the least. I've asked nicely and apparently that wasn't enough for you to leave my name out of your threads but trust me, under any screen name I wouldn't go back and forth in your incessant fantasy threads. I have no interest in any of you people and I'm not going to let you give others who may stumble upon this page the impression that I'm involved when I don't want my name associated with you. So I'm reporting the above post and will do so for any other that you feel necessary to mention my name.



This isn’t over.




It's disrespectful to use a deadly pandemic to bolster your pathetic point of view.
You call this harmless fun. What, posting peoples details on a public forum? Using threats of violence against them?
Maybe someone like me couldn't give a shit because I know you are a pathetic human being, but there are people who won't stand for your behaviour. He did ask (nicely) for you not to use his name in this. The least you could have done is shown some of this honour, respect and sense of fair play you keep on about and granted him this.
I mean what is he guilty of here, disproving your lies with cold hard fact?
You got reported, take it like a man.


This is a karate dojo. Not a knitting class.


Except it isn't a dojo, it's a movie message board.
You have been warned.


The funniest part when when he reported me for saying Miyagay should be deported.

LOL... I said a fictional character should be deported and he took such offense!

I still don't know why he reads these threads if he hates it so much.


No. He took offence at your racism and the fact you keep using his name in derogatory posts.


Racism!? Miyagi was a war profiteer, eco terrorist corrupter of children. He did not deserve American citizenship.


This now constitutes harassment. If you and your friends on this board don't stop, you'll be enjoying a vacation from MovieChat.



To Tahiti?


Must admit ^^^^ that's funny.


What do you know about humor WA?

Have you ever been funny at all? I don't think so.

You're the kind of guy who always rushes in to ruin a good joke.


What do I know about humour?
Oh I see, perhaps it isn't funny then.


To you nothing is funny WA.

You exist in a humor free world, your mind can't comprehend humor.

If someone makes a joke, you take it LITERALLY and proceed to gallop in on your horse to mount a "defense".
You have no ability to understand humor, sarcasm, satire, or wit.. these thing exist in a realm beyond your understanding.

Oh and I see you accused me of racism.. the fact that you played the race card means you know you lost the argument and smacks of desperation.

No get back inside your jail cell!


So are you saying that the reply made by your alter-ego NRC123, wasn't funny?

Actually I didn't accuse you of racism. I just agreed with the accusation. Funnily enough your post with its' racist remarks was deleted, so despite your denial you are deemed racist by the mods.


"Actually I didn't accuse you of racism. I just agreed with the accusation."

Are you mildly autistic WA?

Seriously want to know this.


Haven’t you seen his profile?


Are you talking to me or yourself...again?


Does that help?
Now answer my question



And Mamona..... mmmmmmmm.....


That's not funny though. In fact it's pathetic.


You know what’s both funny and pathetic? Taking such offense to someone’s hypothetical theory about a 30 year old movie that you report him to have his post deleted.


I guess he took offence at you using his name in a derogatory manner


There’s no defending SG’s actions. It’s the behavior of a six year old. He doesn’t have the intellectual acumen to defend his positions so when he loses an argument, he has people’s posts deleted. Simply unbelievable.


NRC123, SamGerard is sadly a product today's ultra-PC snowflake generation.

They DO NOT have the acumen to make or defend an argument, they can only resort to trying to shut down opposing viewpoints by screaming and crying.

The truth is that Sam Gerard was NEVER actually offended by my posts, he is only virtue signaling to make himself feel good.

Sad indeed.


He probably went to bed thinking to himself, “I made a difference today.”
He needs a Terry Silver figure in his life to teach him the three Ds and turn him from a wimp into a winner.


They DO NOT have the acumen to make or defend an argument,

He presented you with cold hard fact and you simply put your fingers in your ears and went 'La la la'!
You then accused him of either being me or being my puppet hence his cold hard fact was null and void.....go figure that one!
You then, despite him asking you in a civil manner, went on to slag him off.
He asked you to desist, yet you paid no heed.
You are an arsehole and like all arseholes you blame somebody else when your actions are punished.


That’s no reason to report someone. He’s made a mockery of everything the board was meant to stand for: honesty, compassion, fair play. With everything going on in the world, it’s astonishing he would cry wolf over such a trivial matter.


Is it fair what you did to him ?


Except he didn't lose an argument did he?
He pointed out something that you decided to deny despite it being a fact.
That isn't losing an argument.


You two live in a bizarro universe where your perception of events is always dead wrong. In all your years posting you’ve not once been on the right side of an argument. Your logic is weaker than Boris Johnson’s leadership.


Says the person who denies facts eh?
Let's just remind you shall we?




Who in Borneo knows what chloride sludge is? What they don’t know can’t hurt them.


What they didn’t know couldn’t hurt them.
Said the first person to try and stroke a tiger


Now everybody's a detective!


Stop replying to yourself


Beat it slope. Or you’re next.


Well lookie here, it's the big karate hero.

(Gestures to NRC123) Well, don't just stand there.


Party time.


We're old friends.

Come-on tubby.. let's see how good you really are!


Sorry to interrupt this Fight Club-esque scenario, but hey, you know where I am.
It must be easy for you sat in anonymity acting the big man


I do know where you are.



Sat at home here in England. Once again your inability to deal with reality surfaces.
You never answered my question the other day. What happened, rock and a hard place was it?


Hope you’re keeping safe down there in Cell Block 99.


Not in cell block 99. I'm at home cruisin109.
Seek psychiatric help


Keep telling yourself that.


Get help NRC123


Home is where you hang your hat. In your case, that’s six feet underground.


Get help cruisin109 before you end up like Ben Davies


The Tottenham player?


