MovieChat Forums > The Karate Kid Part III (1989) Discussion > Unintentionally funny scenes in the orig...

Unintentionally funny scenes in the original Karate Kid series

What were some scenes that were supposed to be serious, dramatic or neutral but instead came across as farcical, unintended funny scenes in all three Karate Kid movies?


"Yes he will! You won't!" 

I think that was real laughter from Kove and Griffith.


"I'm afraid."

I call woo woo on you,


The "Miyagi heart empty without you" scene.

When Daniel-san yells at Miyagi and makes him cry.

When whimpering Daniel-san enters crapshack with Miyagi's mangled tree/life savings in his hands, and Miyagi drops his broom in shock 

When Miyagi tells Daniel-san he has a "strong root".


Daniel's mac n cheese date


The entire movie of Karate Kid 3 was unintentionally funny.


John Kreese's laughter after Silver points out to him that Wheinelle peed his pants whilst running out the dojo away from Barnes. Priceless!

Whienelle screaming at Barnes 'hey your dead man!' and 'we'l see who's laughing then' whist at the bottom of a cliff. This miserable beta male episode took place infront of the already hugely turned off Jessica. Funny. Then watching Silver and Kreese laugh at the tournament whilst watching Barnes kick Wheinelles ass. Hilarious


YEAH! It was hilarious when Whinielle... at the bottom of the cliff ....and says "You're dead!" LOLOLOL

Fortunately for Whinielle Barnes and Snake were decent enough to drag that heavy mac and cheese filled wimp up the the top! They only dragged his flaccid ass up because they learned true martial arts values from Master Silver!

Also how dare that *beep* LaPusso urinate all over Master Silver's dojo!!!!


Dragging Whinielle's fat behind up the side of the cliff before the tide came in was a perfect example of Mr. Silver's credo of honesty, compassion and fair play.

I call woo woo on you,


And how does Whinielle pay back this show of compassion?

By URINATING all over the floor at the Cobra Kai dojo after getting FREE Karate lessons!!!


Ever scene with John, the first trainer, who did NOTHING in thsi film except that baritone, full "haw haw". He looked ridiculous. And during the final match, the two bad guys over on side were hilarious. 'watch this! I love this part. Oh how much pain we will cause...".
And when the guy is training Daniel, and goes behind a divider and chuckles all evil, LOL
