Miyagi in this movie

What is up with Miyagi in this movie? He became almost cartoonish and foolish. He won't train Daniel for foolish reasons and his bonsai store gets wrecked so he goes fishing? It's like Miyagi became a shell of his former self.


It's like Pat Morita and Ralph Macchio mailed in their acting. They probably thought to themselves, oh geez another frickin' Karate Kid movie!


It was well publicized when this movie came out that Ralph Macchio did not want to make this movie, but was forced to do so per his contract. Probably why he gained so much weight before filming.

I call woo woo on you,


I can believe that - that he didn't wanna do this movie. There was something off about Ralph's acting in the 3rd film. He just didn't seem like the same Daniel character he was in the other films.

He was more hypo, like he was on something...

Oh and yeah he was definitely more pudgey in the 3rd!


Miyagi came across like a clown



Well, I'll say this for Miyagi: he's still the brains of their little duo.

He becomes suspicious that Daniel is getting hoodwinked the INSTANT he hears Terry Silver has been training him.

Unlike Daniel, who is clueless throughout the entire movie and finally has to be SHOWN what a dupe he is by the very people who bamboozled him 


Mr. Silver wasn't hoodwinking Danielle. He taught Danielle discipline, fitness, confidence, aggression and, most important, the Quicksilver Method. He also prepared Danielle mentally for the time when Danielle would break free of Miyagay's overbearing and molester-style influence and allow Danielle to become his own woman....er....man.


Well Miyagi had a lot of spare time now due to his cushy "job" at that flea bag motel/apartment complex was being "renovated." During that time he tried to take his relationship with Danny-Boy to the next level whilst getting all emo and the two had that bizarre lovers spat.


During that time he tried to take his relationship with Danny-Boy to the next level whilst getting all emo and the two had that bizarre lovers spat.

You'd think they would end the movie with Miyagi and Daniel having a tea ceremony with each other.


He was so obviously over weight, that I thought it was something that they were going to use in the story. That this was the reason Miyagi did not want to train him. Like "Daniel-San is too fat; eat too much pasta. Must lose weight to be champion again and change ways", and then there would be a Rocky-type montage, and he would get all trim and fighting lean.



Just like the sweep scene in KK3, that was so funny.


Daniel was constantly getting bullied and harassed by Barnes and crew, yet Miyagi still would not train him for the tournament, so as soon as he got dragged into the situation he says OK I will train you. It was very odd, he may not have wanted to set a precedent that Daniel should not be getting bullied into competing in the tournament, but wasn't that supposed to be his last year anyways? It seems they have an age limit, so after that year it should not matter. Actually I thought he was supposed to be in College that year anyways because he spent his college money on the store and was not going to school that year. The plot of this movie makes no sense.
