MovieChat Forums > The Karate Kid Part III (1989) Discussion > Whinielle should have studied Kung Fu to...

Whinielle should have studied Kung Fu to even have a chance!

Whinielle could only have hoped to beat Barnes if he had learned kung fu instead of karate.

Everyone knows karate is useless against kung fu.


He beat him without Kung fu, so a moot point there really!

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


Whinielle actually LOST against Barnes.

Know why?

Because Whinielle was competing illegally since the tourney was only for brown belt and above.

Whinielle was found out, stripped of his "victory" and was sentenced to the death penalty (federal crime to illegally enter AKA event).


He was invited to compete by the organisers so hardly illegally however way you wish to string it.
As I said, no need for Kung fu as he beat him anyway!


Whinielle entered the previous year illegally too by using a STOLEN black belt lifted by his pedo terrorist friend Miyagay.

It wasn't a legit invite since the pretext for his initial entry was a lie.

Whinielle figured he could enter again since he was proclaimed the "winner" the first time around even though the win was as illegitimate as he was (no father) and the tournament had that stupid auto-buy for the winner rule.


Whether or not the black belt was stolen is irrelevant regarding his entry in the competition. There is no rule that says stealing will disqualify your students from said competition.
Or do you mean Daniel being a black belt?
I'll clear it up for you then.
Miyagi (Daniels instructor) made him that rank. As his instructor and head coach of Miyagi do Karate UsA, he can award said grade.
Edit: If you WERE right of course, exactly how would Kung fu have helped him? He wouldn't be in a karate competition would he?


Miyagi was NOT a licensed instructor you Whinielle-obsessed fanboy!

Miyagay insolently demanded WHY MATTAH?!??!? when asked about LaPusso's rank @ the tourney check-in because he was not a real licensed instructor had no licensed dojo and had no ranks to even give!

By your logic Lucille LaPusso could have entered Jessica into the tournament as a "black-belt"!😂

I mean why not? Lucille could have asked for Jessica to make her a clay pot.. then told her that the way she sculpted the pot was like a karate move, declared herself her "sensei", and then entered her into the tournament as a "black belt".

I only mention kung fu because as a vastly superior style compared to primitive karate perhaps it's utilization could have feasibly made Whinielle at least score a legit point?


Miyagi was NOT a licensed instructor you Whinielle-obsessed fanboy!

He didn't need to be, he didn't run a Karate school.
Miyagay insolently demanded WHY MATTAH?!??!?

Guess where that quote came from?
when asked about LaPusso's rank @ the tourney check-in because he was not a real licensed instructor had no licensed dojo and had no ranks to even give!

Yes because he was there to compete, not show off his grade. Check out how it works before talking nonsense.
By your logic Lucille LaPusso could have entered Jessica into the tournament as a "black-belt"!😂

My logic? I believe you mean YOUR logic.
I mean why not? Lucille could have asked for Jessica to make her a clay pot.. then told her that the way she sculpted the pot was like a karate move, declared herself her "sensei", and then entered her into the tournament as a "black belt".

You know what?, you'd be surprised how many people (in the 70's and 80's) did that kind of thing. In fact even now in a town close to me there is a club called the Black Belt Karate Academy. It was founded by a green belt who had an idea that all students should be ranked as black belts. So they all wear black belts. They have no formal gradings and no structure. They gather together and just train with each other. As you can imagine their knowledge is fairly limited, so they attend courses put on by other clubs.
Guess what? They're all licensed as well. Odd isn't it?
I only mention kung fu because as a vastly superior style compared to primitive karate perhaps it's utilization could have feasibly made Whinielle at least score a legit point?

A couple of points here.
1) You're obviously trying to bait me by saying that Kung Fu is superior. If you believe that to be true, then fair enough. I respectfully disagree.
2) Again, he wouldn't be in a Karate competition if he did Kung Fu. Unless of course he lied and said it was Karate. Cue people like you (believing it to be superior) saying he should be disqualified for not doing Karate and having an unfair advantage.
3) Why would YOU want him to do (your opinion) a superior art? I mean you don't want him to win do you?

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


So you think that any two Joe Six-Packs can just walk off the street into a tournament, steal a black belt, and compete under the pretense of being sensei and student and knowing karate????

Should there be ANY restrictions for entering the tournament??

Just say you're in karate and that you're a black-belt and you're let in?

Sorry, that's not how real karate tournaments are conducted... riff-raff like Whinielle and Miyagay should have been taken outback and given a thorough beating for trying to enter and sullying the sport of karate!

Also as a 6th Dan, can you tell me why Karate is superior?

I thought it was common knowledge that a Kung Fu Master could literally dodge any choppy linear karate move by using circular fluid techniques and ultimately using the karate master's forces against him?


So you think that any two Joe Six-Packs can just walk off the street into a tournament, steal a black belt, and compete under the pretense of being sensei and student and knowing karate????

That's Exactly what used to happen in the 80's!
Should there be ANY restrictions for entering the tournament??

Yes, absolutely.
Just say you're in karate and that you're a black-belt and you're let in?

See my first reply.
Sorry, that's not how real karate tournaments are conducted... riff-raff like Whinielle and Miyagay should have been taken outback and given a thorough beating for trying to enter and sullying the sport of karate!

As I said in my first reply, that's how it rolled in the 80's. This movie and parts 1 & 2 are set in 1984/5.
Also as a 6th Dan, can you tell me why Karate is superior?

I never said Karate was superior. Can YOU tell me why (in your apparently enlightened) opinion, Kung Fu is superior?
I thought

You thought..... Oh well, that answers that then eh? Guess you've been thinking incorrectly.

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


I don't care what happened in your primitive 80's!

We've made progress as a civilization over the last 30 years and now, in the 21th century, we Cobra Kai don't take kindly to Whinielle loving throwbacks like you!

Also I TOLD you why Kung Fu is superior: You can use Kung Fu's circular attacks to evade ANY choppy linear karate move.

Watch this fight to see kung fu's superiority over karate:


I don't care what happened in your primitive 80's!

Really? These movies were made and set in the 1980's, so your caring isn't relevant. 80's conditions apply here.
We've made progress as a civilization over the last 30 years and now, in the 21th century, we Cobra Kai don't take kindly to Whinielle loving throwbacks like you!

You haven't made progress at all. You are following the Cobra Kai way, which is 100% 1980's.
Also I TOLD you why Kung Fu is superior: You can use Kung Fu's circular attacks to evade ANY choppy linear karate move.

Your ignorance has reared its' ugly head again I see.
Watch this fight to see kung fu's superiority over karate:

..and never more obvious than this ^^^^.
IF Kung Fu is superior, why didn't Chuck Norris change styles?
If Kung Fu is superior, why did Bruce Lee abandon it?
Truth is, no style is particularly superior. I've met practitioners of different Karate styles who claim their style is better than the style I learned, or any other style for that matter. It really comes down to two things.
1) What you prefer
2) What best suits you as an individual.
I've trained in other styles. I prefer Karate.

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


I know you love Whinielle more than life itself and wish you could go back to the 1980's.

However, you are a throwback and we WILL NOT go back to your backward primitive ways!

I know you wish any bum off the street could enter a karate tournament reserved for brown belt and above.

edit: BTW, if just ANYONE could enter in the 1980's what was the point of the 'brown-belt and above' criteria??

I know you wish any jerk could squander community college money and make a living selling counterfeit bonsai trees in the ghetto.

I know you wish any jag off could scarf a metric ton of mac and cheese at a time without being ostracized by society!

But we're not going back to your backward Whinielle LaPusso loving 1980's ways!

Also the Cobra Kai way stands the test of time so it is still applicable in today's world.


A man faces you he is your ENEMY.. AN ENEMY DESERVES NO MERCY!

Tempered with compassion:

Honesty Compassion and FairPlay!

Timeless values!

So, in your opinion, what would happen in a fight between identical twins one who mastered karate and one who mastered kung fu?

Which fighter, with everything else being equal, would win?


I know you love Whinielle more than life itself and wish you could go back to the 1980's.

Head in the sand again
However, you are a throwback and we WILL NOT go back to your backward primitive ways!

Head in the sand again
I know you wish any bum off the street could enter a karate tournament reserved for brown belt and above.

Which is contrary to what I stated isn't it?
edit: BTW, if just ANYONE could enter in the 1980's what was the point of the 'brown-belt and above' criteria??

What is the point of having ID cards if anyone can just use a fake one? Oh that's right, somebody is supposed to check these things.
I know you wish any jerk could squander community college money and make a living selling counterfeit bonsai trees in the ghetto.

Odd seeing as I've never indicated this....EVER!
I know you wish any jag off could scarf a metric ton of mac and cheese at a time without being ostracized by society!

Odd that you think otherwise seeing as you come from the Land of the Free.
But we're not going back to your backward Whinielle LaPusso loving 1980's ways!

But you have never gone forward. see below.
Also the Cobra Kai way stands the test of time so it is still applicable in today's world.


A man faces you he is your ENEMY.. AN ENEMY DESERVES NO MERCY!

Tempered with compassion:

Honesty Compassion and FairPlay!

Timeless values!

But still 80's.
So, in your opinion, what would happen in a fight between identical twins one who mastered karate and one who mastered kung fu?

Which fighter, with everything else being equal, would win?

Odd you should say that, my brothers in law were identical twins. Both did karate and both started at the same time. They were also the same grade. Equal in every respect, yet when ever they met in competition, David always beat Paul.
Now I know that isn't Karate vs Kung Fu, but you would expect it to alternate between the two. Yet David would always beat Paul easily. If ever either fought somebody else (say the same person) they would both either beat or lose to that person by a similar score.
As I said, it isn't about the style they choose, it is about the person.

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


So you think it was the fault of the tournament officials for not verifying that Whinielle was actually a legit black-belt before the tournament? (Your ID example)

But you ALSO believe that Whinielle really WAS a black-belt just because Miyagay said so?

Which is it?


I believe that if people think as you do, then it is up to them to ensure those ideals are met.
Truth is, you are wrong but just can't see past your ignorance.


Do you actually believe that Whinielle should have been allowed into the tournament reserved for brown-belt and above?


If I was in Kreeses position I would have accepted the challenge as I believe Daniel was at a disadvantage.
I don't agree with people just awarding grades willy nilly, but seeing as that's how it is I have to accept it. Personally I would say he shouldn't be allowed to enter but I don't get to make that call.


So you believe that Whinielle ILLEGALLY entered the tournament then?

It wasn't Kreese's decision to let Whinielle in.. it was the tournament officials call who clearly stated that the tournament was only for brown belt and above.


No. I'm saying he SHOULDNT have been allowed to enter. As you say, any two Johnny six packs can turn up and.claim what they want. This could result in a death (worst case scenario). Proper checks need to be made or limiting entry to associated members only.
Don't get me wrong, Daniel was capable as he proved by winning. But it COULD have all gone terribly wrong.
This is why competitions these days are closed door events (usually). There are so many insurance requirements, that only associate members are allowed to enter.


But that's just it; Whinielle wasn't allowed to enter but he entered ANYWAY (by Miyagay lying about rank and stealing a belt)

So Whinielle entered the tournament illegally.


Miyagi didn't lie. He made Daniel a black belt.
The real thought here though is if they let Daniel enter just like that, how many others did that. If you look carefully there is a brown belt (one of the Kai). You see him earlier in the Kai dojo scene wearing a green belt. There is no way that between Miyagi and Daniel leaving the dojo to them arriving at the competition, that this guy is now a legitimate brown belt!


Miyagay didn't even know what the hell a black belt even was... he says "Ughhh... Oye....... ugh-oye Bhlach Bheght(!)"

Miyagay (not a licensed instructor btw) would have said that Whinielle was a transvestite geisha dancer if that was the requisite for tournament entry.

It was not allowed (even in the 1980s) for a layperson to enter a tournament reserved for brown belt and above by just walking in and stealing a belt.


Miyagi was the very definition of a karate expert. His student his right!
That's how it rolls. He entered and they allowed it. Simple.


Yes but don't you need to be a licensed instructor and a run a licensed dojo?

Miyagay had neither.

You can't tell me that in the 1980's you could legitimately complete in a karate tournament without these qualifications?


In the 80's you neither needed to be licensed or run a club with an affiliated body.
I'm telling you exactly that!
It wasn't until the early 90's that this all changed.


Even if that were true and belt rank effectively meant nothing in the 80's, it was still illegal to enter the tournament without a physical brown or black belt.

Whinielle would have been refused entry without a physical brown or black belt... he stole a belt and hence his entry was still illegal.


Not true.
Tbf, he could have borrowed a belt for the duration of matches instead of Miyagi lifting one, but nevertheless you are not required to wear 'your' belt. Not having a belt on you doesn't disbar you from competing.
These days one competitor is given a red belt for the match duration and the other a blue belt.


But if the tournament authorities found out that Whinielle was competing with a stolen belt (lifted @ the tournament no less) they would have immediately disqualified him.


Would they?
Daniel didn't steal the belt, so why punish him?
Is it an offence they would disqualify him for? Maybe,maybe not. Perhaps it could be argued that it was dishonourable and brought the competition in to disrepute.
We'll never know but it seems a pretty lame way of gaining a win for the Kai even if it were to happen.
There is one way that it could be said his entry was illegal that no one seems to have considered and if I were Kai I would share it. Seeing as I'm not, we'll just have to wait and see if anyone else realises it!!!


Any tournament would disqualify you if once they found out you were competing with a belt STOLEN from that very tournament.

Whinielle was an accessory to the theft and you know it. What you think Whinielle really thought the belt belonged to Miyagi?? 😂😂😂😂

Even if Whinielle was given a pass Miyagay would have paid for stealing from the tournament by having his "student" disqualified.

I mean seriously wears alan???

If someone stole a karate belt from one of your karate tournaments what would the consequence be?


Whinielle was an accessory to the theft and you know it. What you think Whinielle really thought the belt belonged to Miyagi??

Well they do sell stuff like belts, gi's etc..etc... at tournaments. So Daniel could have believed Miyagi bought it.
Even if Whinielle was given a pass Miyagay would have paid for stealing from the tournament by having his "student" disqualified.

Not necessarily. Were all Cobra Kai disqualified from the following tear after Kreeses disgraceful behaviour in the car park? No.
If someone stole a karate belt from one of your karate tournaments what would the consequence be?

We're not talking about one of my tournaments are we. But for arguments sake, the police would be called as theft is a matter for the police.
I mean seriously wears alan???

If you want to gain a lame win for your boys go for something that would work and not some 'what if' scenario. I've already said there is one possibility, you've just got to realise it.

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


Well they do sell stuff like belts, gi's etc..etc... at tournaments. So Daniel could have believed Miyagi bought it.

So your defense of Whinielle is that he's an imbecile?

The tournament officials wouldn't care how stupid Whinielle is.. he's in possession of the tournament's stolen property and they would have thrown the book at him for this crime!

Not necessarily. Were all Cobra Kai disqualified from the following tear after Kreeses disgraceful behaviour in the car park? No.

We went through this already... Kreese was acting like a good sensei and was unleashing some good old fashion corporal punishment to Johnny. Kids are so wimpy and entitled these days because they have no discipline! I'm sure Johnny's mother thanked Kreese for roughing up her son to ensure that he never "lost" to a cretin like Whinielle ever again.

Why do you think Whinielle ended up the flaccid dolt he was? Because he never had a father to smack him in the mouth when he was acting like an idiot!

Also Kreese lost all his students anyway because of the public humiliation of losing to LaPusso so his students (aside from Barnes) didn't compete in the second tournament anyway.

We're not talking about one of my tournaments are we. But for arguments sake, the police would be called as theft is a matter for the police.

Precisely my point. Whinielle and Miyagay would have been detained by tournament officials until the police arrived. Then they would have been taken downtown, processed, and thrown in jail!

If you want to gain a lame win for your boys go for something that would work and not some 'what if' scenario. I've already said there is one possibility, you've just got to realise it.

Ah you so agree that Whinielle should have been disqualified from the tournament.

That's game!

Wears Alan-0


Nearly every defense of him is that he's an imbecile.
You don't know what if anything, they would have done
You say he was acting like a good sensei but guess what? The main man who hosts the tournament (Pat Johnston) says otherwise doesn't he?
It doesn't matter that all his students left, Barnes still fought under the Cobra Kai banner. As I said, Cobra Kai students weren't banned following what Pat considered behaviour that brings karate in to disrepute.
No they wouldn't. First of all it would need to be reported stolen. Then the police called (imagine that) and them taking it seriously. Then the tournament stopped until it had been resolved.
No, the tournament would have gone ahead. Any action taking against anyone would be in a court of law. I can't imagine it would ever go to court.
All this still doesn't change the fact that he beat the Kai. It just highlights the lengths some folk will go to just because their heroes lost a fight in a matter that said heroes agreed upon. Not sure who the bigger losers are here, the real Kai or the self styled Kai on these boards!
I'm saying there is a 'possibility ' that he shouldn't have been allowed to enter. I'm not 100% on this, but if I'm right then you guys have a case for disqualifying him.
So no the score remains in my favour. What I have done here though Terry Silver would be proud of. I have won a point and now I'm offering the opportunity to lose a you!
Take it....if you can!

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


I've given you every imaginable reason why Whinielle entered the tournament illegally and there are many.

Your answer about belt rank meaning nothing in the 1980's is wrong too because the American Karate Association was formed in 1964.. 20 years before Whinielle's shameful exploits at the tournament.

The AKA established and standardized belt rankings for all American karate practitioners.

I'm just glad that deep down you know your buddy Whinielle should have been disqualified.

Counter my legit points with baseless Whinielle defending if you will.... but you have already conceded the argument.


Wears Alan-0


I've given you every imaginable reason why Whinielle entered the tournament illegally and there are many.

Every one of those reasons was wrong though.
Your answer about belt rank meaning nothing in the 1980's is wrong too because the American Karate Association was formed in 1964.. 20 years before Whinielle's shameful exploits at the tournament.

And Karate was around a long time before that. Try harder.
The AKA established and standardized belt rankings for all American karate practitioners.

The truth is the AKA can only standardise gradings for its' own members, not all practitioners of Karate. Oh, and when did Miyagi join the AKA? Oh thats right he didn't. Was The All Valley an AKA tournament? No, it was an open (all styles )tournament.
I'm just glad that deep down you know your buddy Whinielle should have been disqualified.

I didn't say he should have been disqualified. i said there was a possibilty that I'd considered and you guys hadn't. I'm still not sure to be honest.
Counter my legit points with baseless Whinielle defending if you will.... but you have already conceded the argument.

It's easy to counter your argunents when they are based on opinion or at best inaccurate ramblings.
The gift of a win is still there for you if you can work it out.
See how generous I am?

Wears Alan-0

Ha ha ha! Truly someone who is living in denial. You came on here to best me and have failed at every turn. I am even giving you a chance, something I've never done for anyone else here, and still you can't do it. It feels almost unfair. I feel like I'm bullying you. At least with romefan there was a challenge.
Come on cruisin109, up your game.

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


Every one of those reasons was wrong though.

No everyone of those reasons was correct. You just love Whinielle so much you won't allow anyone else to call him out except you. Much like a protective older brother.

And Karate was around a long time before that. Try harder.
The truth is the AKA can only standardise gradings for its' own members, not all practitioners of Karate. Oh, and when did Miyagi join the AKA? Oh thats right he didn't. Was The All Valley an AKA tournament? No, it was an open (all styles )tournament.

I don't know what standards they have in Jolly Old England.. but in America we do things the American Way. The AKA has standards and if Miyagay (who was a traitor and had sympathy for the Japanese in WW2 btw) didn't want to adhere to AKA belt ranking standards then he should have been deported back to Okinawa!

I didn't say he should have been disqualified. i said there was a possibilty that I'd considered and you guys hadn't. I'm still not sure to be honest.

There are literally 100 reasons why Whinielle should have been disqualified from the tournament. If you can only see 1 reason then you are blinded by your abject Whinielle fandom!

Here's a couple more reasons:

1.)Whinielle was down on the mat crying like a sissy-boy way too long... at that point he would have been disqualified.

2.) Uncontrolled takedowns are illegal in a kumite-- Whinielle flipping Barnes was an uncontrolled take down and was therefore an illegal move and Whinielle should have been disqualified!

It's easy to counter your argunents when they are based on opinion or at best inaccurate ramblings.
The gift of a win is still there for you if you can work it out.
See how generous I am?

Keep going.. you just lost another point for that!

Wears Alan-0

Ha ha ha! Truly someone who is living in denial. You came on here to best me and have failed at every turn. I am even giving you a chance, something I've never done for anyone else here, and still you can't do it. It feels almost unfair. I feel like I'm bullying you. At least with romefan there was a challenge.
Come on cruisin109, up your game.

Wrong again.. Roman is in tahiti getting some R&R and I'm getting revenge!

From now on when people think of KK3 IMDB they'll think of a Cobra Kai board.. Romefan's board!

You won't even be a memory!


No everyone of those reasons was correct. You just love Whinielle so much you won't allow anyone else to call him out except you. Much like a protective older brother.

If that were true I'd just say so.
I don't know what standards they have in Jolly Old England.. but in America we do things the American Way. The AKA has standards and if Miyagay (who was a traitor and had sympathy for the Japanese in WW2 btw) didn't want to adhere to AKA belt ranking standards then he should have been deported back to Okinawa!

Well you see, in Jolly old England (as well as other countries) there is a national governing body (it used to called the EKGB, the Karate England). There is also the KUGB (Karate Union of Great Britain). But in every country that has Karate there is also the JKA (Japanese Karate Association). It was the Japanese that introduced the ranking system, not the AKA.
Lesson ended.
1.)Whinielle was down on the mat crying like a sissy-boy way too long... at that point he would have been disqualified.

You see that's just your opinion. The only person(s) who get to make a decision on whether he carries on or not are the Referee (1st), his coach Miyagi (2nd) and finally Daniel himself. If he had refused to carry on then it would have ended. He didn't wish to carry on, but he did anyway.
2.) Uncontrolled takedowns are illegal in a kumite-- Whinielle flipping Barnes was an uncontrolled take down and was therefore an illegal move and Whinielle should have been disqualified!

His takedown and follow up were the very definition of control. Guess what? The only person who gets to make that decision is the referee. Not you and not me. If Silver and Kreese thought it was uincontrolled they would have objected. If the flag judges or arbitrator thought it was uncontrolled there would have been a discussion before awarding the point.
Wears alan - 3
Cruisin109 - 0
Game set and match to wears alan.
Wrong again.. Roman is in tahiti getting some R&R and I'm getting revenge!

Actually he's busy getting his butt kicked on the FG boards.
From now on when people think of KK3 IMDB they'll think of a Cobra Kai board.. Romefan's board!

Oh, don't you know? He left because nobody was here to back him up against me.
You won't even be a memory!

Maybe, maybe not.

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


If that were true I'd just say so.

No, you're blinded by your undying love for Whinielle. You just can't see his faults because you love him so much. Drone spy footage has even recorded you ballroom dancing with a blow-up Whinielle doll!

Well you see, in Jolly old England (as well as other countries) there is a national governing body (it used to called the EKGB, the Karate England). There is also the KUGB (Karate Union of Great Britain). But in every country that has Karate there is also the JKA (Japanese Karate Association). It was the Japanese that introduced the ranking system, not the AKA.
Lesson ended.

I'm sorry but the EKGB is a relic of a bygone England. Back when every Englishman wore a top hat, had a teddybear, and drank tea all day the EKGB may have existed. But that England doesn't even exist anymore and that EKGB died with it! Stop being nostalgic for old England and accept that the AKA IS Karate!

And the fact that Miyagay may have tried to adhere to the JKA (which also had rank standards btw) just shows that Miyagay was still sympathetic to Japan and the Axis Powers during WW2!

His takedown and follow up were the very definition of control. Guess what? The only person who gets to make that decision is the referee. Not you and not me. If Silver and Kreese thought it was uncontrolled they would have objected. If the flag judges or arbitrator thought it was uncontrolled there would have been a discussion before awarding the point.
Wears alan - 1
Cruisin109 - 1,000,000
Game set and match to cruisin109!

Whinielle was as sloppy in his form as the slop from one of Aunt Pat's leftover dinners! I can't believe you really think Whinielle displayed clean form when he "took down" Barnes.

That joke of a geisha dance move & flip was pulled straight out of Whinielle's gargantuan behind and was done in such an accidental and messy manner that Whinielle jumped for joy in sheer shocked jubilation that he actually pulled it off!

No point award.... but that you for awarding me 1 million points!

Actually he's busy getting his butt kicked on the FG boards.

What does FG stand for? *beep* up Geisha-dancer? That would be your pal Whinielle!

Oh, don't you know? He left because nobody was here to back him up against me.

And your lover Miyagay ain't here to back you up either is he? What will you do when faced against the awesome power of the Cobra Kai? Retreat to your crapshack and feast on the scraps thrown to you by Aunt Pat?


If that were true I'd just say s.
The point of mentioning the EKGB (it actually doesn't exist anymore 1991-2004) and the JKA, was to inform you that although the AKA may be the main association in the US, it isn't the only one, and can only monitor and control its own members.
Oh dear, you really are blinded by your love for Barnes to even think that.
FG stands for Film General.
There is no Miyagi in real life. When this board had a strong Kai presence I faced 10 - 12 of you guys so (a) I've faced the 'power' of your Kai and am still here yet they are not (b) the real question is if they couldn't beat me what makes you think you can. Romefan and his Kai buddies were better at this than you!
Keep trying though, I respect that.

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


If that were true I'd just say s.

That would imply could could recognize the truth. You cannot because your mind has been corrupted by the teachings of Whinielle and Miyagay!

The point of mentioning the EKGB (it actually doesn't exist anymore 1991-2004) and the JKA, was to inform you that although the AKA may be the main association in the US, it isn't the only one, and can only monitor and control its own members.

You can just dump a gallon of Whinielle piss (which you have bottles of) all over your precious EKGB and JKA ..... AKA ALL THE WAY!

Oh dear, you really are blinded by your love for Barnes to even think that.

No I am capable of recognizing objective truth while you are a prisoner to your screwed perception of reality where Whinielle and Miyagay are your lord and master. I can't stop laughing watching you genuflect every time you see Whinielle!!😂😂

FG stands for Film General.

It also stands for Fugly Geisha-dancer... your buddy Whinielle!

When this board had a strong Kai presence I faced 10 - 12 of you guys so (a) I've faced the 'power' of your Kai and am still here yet they are not (b) the real question is if they couldn't beat me what makes you think you can. Romefan and his Kai buddies were better at this than you!

Cobra Kai... NEVER DIES! You can bet your ASS on that Wears Alan!!!!

Keep trying though, I respect that.

I already beat you! I have the unholy might of the Cobra Kai! By embracing the teaching of Master Silver I have become more powerful than you can even dream of!


1)Odd seeing as they've never taught me. Guess you're just lying again.
2)Still doesn't change the facts though does it?
3) Yet it is you that is stuck in a fantasy world where you believe these character to be real. I'm surprised you even use a word like genuflect but then you pray so much at the alter of your fantasy it shouldn't surprise me really.
4) Whether it does or not is irrelevant, FG is where you'll find romefan skulking.
5) But what a sad indictment that YOU are its' chief representative!
6) Time to wake up and smell the coffee mister cruisin109 (flips picture of wears Alan round) this time you're facing THIS!!!! You think your Kai sh. It will work on him? Forget it!!!

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


1)Odd seeing as they've never taught me. Guess you're just lying again.

Odd since you base all your karate philosophies on Mr. Miyagay's teaching and consider Whinielle to be a model student

2)Still doesn't change the facts though does it?

Everything you say is by definition not a fact because, as we all know, you are a Whinielle defender!

3) Yet it is you that is stuck in a fantasy world where you believe these character to be real. I'm surprised you even use a word like genuflect but then you pray so much at the alter of your fantasy it shouldn't surprise me really.

YOU'RE the one with a shrine to Whinielle in your house! You also have a wine cellar full of jars of Whinielle piss which you constantly drink to gain "power".

4) Whether it does or not is irrelevant, FG is where you'll find romefan skulking.

As I said Cobra Kai never dies!

5) But what a sad indictment that YOU are its' chief representative!

You're just upset because you KNOW you would lose in a 1 on 1 fight against Terry Silver! You probably couldn't even beat Barnes!

6) Time to wake up and smell the coffee mister cruisin109 (flips picture of wears Alan round) this time you're facing THIS!!!! You think your Kai sh. It will work on him? Forget it!!!

KIAH!!! KIAH!!! (Smashes the dummy of Wears Alan to bits)


1,2 and 3) You're fantasising again.
4) No, it just slinks off and hides on FG.
5) Why would I be upset that some fool imagines a fight between a real person and an imaginary person would result in the real person losing?
6) Boards don't hit back!! Cruisin109 slinks off home and gets mommy to dress his bleeding knuckles.

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


1,2 and 3) You're fantasising again.

No you're just embarrassed that it's true.

And the next time you chug a bottle of Whinielle piss at least rinse your mouth out with Listerine!

5) Why would I be upset that some fool imagines a fight between a real person and an imaginary person would result in the real person losing?

Could you beat Terry Silver? Answer the question if you dare!

6) Boards don't hit back!! Cruisin109 slinks off home and gets mommy to dress his bleeding knuckles.

Every time I bleed I just pretend the blood is yours and YOU feel the pain!

No go back home to your bottle of Whinielle piss and vat of Easy Mac!

KIAH! (Kicks Wears Alan in the ass as he exits)


Do you mean if Silver was real, could I beat him in a fight?
Yes. Without a shadow of a doubt!
As for the rest of your post(s), are you a little fella ( I hesitate to use the term dwarf) and do you wear a white suit and spend your day following Ricardo Montalban around shouting 'De plane,boss. De plane'!

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


could I beat him in a fight?
Yes. Without a shadow of a doubt!

You couldn't even beat Whinielle in a fight let alone Master Silver.

I'm not sure how much money you paid to your McDojo for your fancy belt but you are NOT in the same league as Terry Silver! Terry Silver would crush you into a ball and jam you so far up Whinielle's gargantuan caboose that it would take years to dig yourself out.. then again you'd probably be happy to take up residence in there.

As for the rest of your post(s), are you a little fella ( I hesitate to use the term dwarf) and do you wear a white suit and spend your day following Ricardo Montalban around shouting 'De plane,boss. De plane'!

I'm afraid I don't get your weird British brand of humor. On a related note, you must enjoy a nice scalding hot cup up boiled Whinielle urine when it get cold up there!!!


De plane, boss, de plane!
You don't know where that comes from? Lol!!!
Definitely you.

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


I have defeated you so bad you've been reduced to a blithering shadow of your former self.

Face it, you can't complete with me... you can't come up with a serious well thought out retort.

All you have the intellectual ability to do it repeat yourself and (vainly) hope it sticks!!😂😂😂

I actually feel bad like I'm picking on some kind of cripple!

Is that you Tiny-Tim Wears Alan?


Hahahaha! It's definitely you.
De plane, boss, de plane!

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


I don't know what show that is because here in America we actually have quality TV!

I'm sure you're happy sipping your Whinielle piss from a teacup and watching the Peter Cotton-Tail show and "the BBC" on the "Telly" but in America we have more than 2 channels so we have better TV!


I don't know what show that is because here in America we actually have quality TV!

It's an American show. Lol!
I'm sure you're happy sipping your Whinielle piss from a teacup and watching the Peter Cotton-Tail show and "the BBC" on the "Telly" but in America we have more than 2 channels so we have better TV!

I've got Sky digital, NowTv, Netflix, Amazon Prime. To name but a few. But I do like to watch Dr Who and Sherlock on the BBC now and then.

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


It's an American show. Lol!

Like I'm gonna take your word for it! According to you Whinielle legally entered the tournament and you can "beat" Terry Silver!😂😂😂

I've got Sky digital, NowTv, Netflix, Amazon Prime. To name but a few. But I do like to watch Dr Who and Sherlock on the BBC now and then.

Yeah right! The only show in England is that damn rabbit cartoon Peter Cottontail... it's run 24/7 and you Brits NEVER get tired of it!😂

And I don't watch "the BBC" You only have 1 news outlet that's why you call it "the" BBC... it's "THE" only news source you have! Perhaps your precious BBC brainwashed you into liking Whinielle?


1) You don't have to take my word for it. It doesn't make it any less true!
2) I've never heard of Peter Cotton tail, much less seen it.
3) BBC doesn't stand for news program it stands for British Broadcasting Corporation or do you believe Dr Who and Sherlock are news items? Still that wouldn't surprise me.
'Da plane boss, da plane. I think it might be Sherlock and Dr Who'! Lol!

Edit: Just checked who Peter cottontail is ( not hard you should try it) and apparently it's an ABC show from the seventies. Not sure why you think I might have seen it though. Oh that's right, because you fantasise a lot!

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


1) You don't have to take my word for it. It doesn't make it any less true!

You wouldn't know the truth if it hit you in your gargantuan ass!

2) I've never heard of Peter Cotton tail, much less seen it.

I don't know the name of the show..... when I was in England all that was playing on TV was this cartoon rabbit show. Every Englishman drank tea and ate crumpets and watched that *beep* 24/7! At the end of each episode they would take off their bowler hats and say "Jolly good show... let's watch another!"

3) BBC doesn't stand for news program it stands for British Broadcasting Corporation or do you believe Dr Who and Sherlock are news items? Still that wouldn't surprise me.

I'm sure you watch your precious "the" BCC all day! You probably scarf Mac and Cheese and watch "the" BBC and then fancy yourself some kind of "sophisticate". Unfortunately you're just a Whinielle lover!

I'm sure you dance and sing like a woman when you exit the shower just like Whinielle did!

'Da plane boss, da plane. I think it might be Sherlock and Dr Who'! Lol!

The fact that you actually watch whatever depraved show this is from is telling.

I just crushed you!

Here is your runner-up award:*675/10-9-2013-wooden-spoon.jpg


You are experiencing PAIN in every part of your body and FEAR in every part of your mind!


1) All this from a person who can't tell truth from fantasy.2) Still don't know what show you mean, but I do like crumpets. I like eat them while doffing my bowler hat to passers by and saying 'Jolly good show '!
3) Other than Dr Who and Sherlock I don't watch the BBC
4) The fact that it is a US show must make you quite ashamed then. Or is it you're afraid you will see yourself in there?
5) I think you pressed the wrong button that's the runner up's yours I believe!

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


1) All this from a person who can't tell truth from fantasy.

Fantasy? I state objective truth! And I know for a fact you drink Whinielle piss!

2) Still don't know what show you mean, but I do like crumpets. I like eat them while doffing my bowler hat to passers by and saying 'Jolly good show '!

Yeah and instead of singing God Save the Queen like a true Englishman, you sing "God Save Whinielle!". You should arrested for high treason against the Crown for this show of disloyalty!

4) The fact that it is a US show must make you quite ashamed then. Or is it you're afraid you will see yourself in there?

Hahahaha!! It's great knowing you know what this show is and I don't! What attracts you to this show I must ask? You obviously watch it all the time! When you watch this show do you experience FEAR in every part of your mind Tiny Tim Wears Alan?

5) I think you pressed the wrong button that's the runner up's yours I believe!

The Wooden Spoon Award is for you! You're supposed to be ashamed for getting it.. but you actually like it because you can use it to shovel for Mac and Cheese into your mouth! You eat that sloppy crap but the TON! Of course you only admit to eating it once.. but Mac and Cheese staying lodged in the users ASS for 50 years before digesting properly. Didn't you see how GARGANTUAN Whinielle's ass was????? It was due to eating mac and cheese!

You should study Quick Silver.... it's intensive shrt term training designed to quickly expel the body of decades old mac and cheese fat!


Fantasy? I state objective truth! And I know for a fact you drink Whinielle piss!

Please provide proof of this within 3 days or I shall report you 
Yeah and instead of singing God Save the Queen like a true Englishman, you sing "God Save Whinielle!". You should arrested for high treason against the Crown for this show of disloyalty!

Please provide proof of this within 3 days or I shall report you 
Hahahaha!! It's great knowing you know what this show is and I don't! What attracts you to this show I must ask? You obviously watch it all the time! When you watch this show do you experience FEAR in every part of your mind Tiny Tim Wears Alan?

It reminds me of you and your fantasies.
The Wooden Spoon Award is for you! You're supposed to be ashamed for getting it.. but you actually like it because you can use it to shovel for Mac and Cheese into your mouth! You eat that sloppy crap but the TON! Of course you only admit to eating it once.. but Mac and Cheese staying lodged in the users ASS for 50 years before digesting properly. Didn't you see how GARGANTUAN Whinielle's ass was????? It was due to eating mac and cheese!

Please find proof of this within 3 days or I shall report you 
You should study Quick Silver.... it's intensive shrt term training designed to quickly expel the body of decades old mac and cheese fat!

Da plane boss, da plane!

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


Please provide proof of this within 3 days or I shall report you

Typical response from a Whinielle lover. See you can't fight your own battles.... every time someone kicks your ass you expect someone else to save you!

Wears Alan: Let's fight!

Crusin109: Kiah! (proceeds to beat up Wears Alan)

Wears Alan: Oh nooooo! Help me! Help me! I'm getting my ass kicked!!! Where is my prince in shining armor Miyagay to save me???


You're lying again
. If you can't prove what you're saying I'm going to report you.

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


Wears Alan: Oh nooooo! Help me! Help me! I'm getting my ass kicked!!! Where is my prince in shining armor Miyagay to save me???


More lies.
Retract or be reported

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


See we have an agenda here Wears Alan it's really very simple.

Either you admit defeat now, or you continue to suffer for the rest of your life!!!


Come and have a go if you think you're hard enough!

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


Come and have a go if you think you're hard enough!

Cruisin109: Come on punk ! COME ON! Let's see what you got!

-Nice kick!


-Not bad!



(Cruisin109 unleashes a devastating combination of blows to Wears Alan which knocks his through the crapshack door)

Cruisin109: I am running out of patience Wears Alan now admit defeat and let's get on with it!


Is that the best you've got?
My sister hits harder than you.

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


Is that the best you've got?
My sister hits harder than you.

Seeing as I have studied QuickSilver my punches can destroy a wooden dummy!


Boards don't hit back!

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


Doesn't matter.

A man can't stand a man can't fight!

A man can't breathe a man can't fight!

A man can't see a man can't fight!



of course it matters. Wooden dummies just satnd there and let you hit them (a bit like Silvers sparring partners).
Me, I'd be all over you like a fvc<ing rash! I'd rain hell on your sorry ass!!!

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!



All I would have to do is throw mac and cheese slop on the mat and you would drop down and start sucking it up like a vacuum cleaner!

Then I'd kick you in the teeth!


Da plane boss, da plane.
Thank fvc< romefan is back. It's nice to see a real Kai back on these boards.

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


Da plane boss, da plane.
Thank fvc< romefan is back. It's nice to see a real Kai back on these boards.


You can just stand there and let us kick your ass!!


You can just stand there and let us kick your ass!!

US!!! There is no US, just a real Kai. Romefan.

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


US!!! There is no US, just a real Kai. Romefan

You don't get it do you?

Wears Alan: What are you talking about?

What am I talking about?

Let's show him what we're talking about!

(Romefan emerges)

Romefan: I'm what he's talking about sh!thead!

See we have an agenda here Wears Alice it's really very simple! Either you leave the board in shame or you continue to get beaten by the Kai for the rest of your life!

What's it gonna be Wears Alice?

