Why would they close it?
So, the názis, or whoever ransacked Dr. Jones Senior's place, left an awful mess, didn't seem to care about tidyness one bit - but then suddenly decided to close the curtains before they left..
I mean, if they don't care AT ALL what the place looks like otherwise, which of them was suddenly so horrified as to what the place looks like, that they wanted to hide it by closing the curtains?
Alternatively, they just happened to care about _that_ one tidbit, but nothing else mattered.
Or could it be that they just wanted to somehow 'hide their deed' from prying eyes, so no one can see what they did... although that someone would have to already be in the house to even attempt to look at the mess, so it doesn't make any sense.
Is there another explanation, or WHAT was their motivation for doing this?
I suspect the real answer is again the disappointing 'dramatics for the sake of moviemaking', and nothing that makes sense in the Indy Universe.
I can't watch movies anymore, something like this always ruins everything.