Not good, at all

I can't find this film good in any way.
First, the special effects: the monster at the begining made the film look like a 50's movie, altought its already 1989. The script is terrible, cheap; the script is altogether the same scene repeated four or five times.
The film is not cheap enough to be considered B-movie, or cult classic; and it's definetly not good enough to be a great slasher kinda movie (by the time there were excellent horror films like Nightmare on Elm St)
I doubt the movie was released on cinema, and if it was, it was for a single presentation.
A waste of time.


Are you kidding? That was a great-looking monster.


In a horribly fecal-riffic film... this was really bad!


jenny wright wasnt even good in this. not nearly as good as in near dark

everyone in this movie is as stupid as can be.. there are no likeable characters in this movie

the "horror" was pretty much non-existent. lol, the "madman" was just some old fart with a black robe

and there was no surprise/shock effect anyway, i can hardly think of a movie ive seen in recent memory that was so utterly predictable

i agree, B or TV movie, and not in a good way


It was released in theaters. Roger Ebert give it thumbs up.


Made a lot of money too! I personally enjoy the film.


I finally got to see this recently. It was an okay movie. Jenny Wright was beautiful and Clayton Rohner was great as always

"I'm just a happy camper! Rockin' and a-rollin'!" - Patrick Bateman, American Psycho
