I, Madman is an Art Film!
As a younger guy, I knew Randy Cook and other top animators. Like most stop-motion animators, Randy was quiet, polite and focused. When I first saw I, Madman, I was shocked to see how great he was acting the villain. It's a restrained, terrorizing performance. Randy wore 3 hats: actor, makeup designer and stop-motion animator. He excelled in all 3.
Tibor Takács did a great job directing. The film could have been a cheap grindhouse slasher flic. Instead, it's a multi-layered, suspenseful film noir with classic '40s mood lighting, camera moves & art design. And by the way, it's really, really scary!!
Also, original. You don't often find a film mixing film noir, horror & sci-fi. This does. FX are stand-out unique and unforgettable.
Jenny Wright gives an endearing performance as the threatened heroine. Pretty, sexy, believable. She anchors the film and makes the terror real.
There's much to enjoy in I, Madman. It's a unique art film that works as film noir, romance and horror. With chills you won't forget.