Ron - 'what if time shrunk...'
When the kids were shrunk and already made their way out of the garbage bag and into the Szalinski's backyard, Ron says something like "what if time shrunk, what if hours to us became days to the rest of the world" etc. and then Russ says something like "That would be great then my teacher's would all be retired". (Can't recall the exact lines) Then Nick says "time doesn't exist except..." then they see the oatmeal creme bar.
Anyway, what was Nick going to say? "Time doesn't exist except (what)? How would he finish the sentence?
Surely, time exists to a certain extent. Of course, the sunrise and sundown aren't regulated by our clock. As the concept of dividing the day into 24 parts known as "hours" was introduced in ancient Babylon. Our face isn't nearly as smooth at age 70 as when we were age 20 - so in a way time exists - or some "life rhythm" we are not consciously aware of.