Totally blown away!!!

I haven't seen this movie since I was like 10 at the oldest but this is dead-set class written all over it. I was drawn in for the whole film.

I couldn't even remember what happened in the film it was that long since i saw it and i was blown away. Certainly didn't expect adventure but i did have an inkling when they were miniature in a lawn that needed mowing BADLY.

Movies that can be made into multi-genre adds extra layers to a movie that can throw climax and anti-climax points which this movie truly has.

I must admit when the ant didn't make it it brought back memories of when i used to cry in these types of films like Homeward Bound movies I was a complete sook lol and Jurassic Park i cried too and there are probably others.

Definitely the best film targetted at kids I've seen by a CLEAR mile!!!


The best film targeted at kids AND adults by many miles. It was simply a FUN movie with lots of action and adventures, and it sucked you in because it was so easy to really care about the characters. I love it when even the arses turn out to really be okay.


Yeah, this movie is quite entertaining. They have a lot of fun with the premise.


Totally agree. Isn't just for kids. I think the thing that really makes the movie is the cast. Moranis and strassman are so sweet together...and the Kids are perfectly cast! The chemistry seems really real. Great film
